Volume 1, n. 2, 2021
Article IJS-2021-07 - Male Solitude: a reflection of the impact of silence for men
Authors - Rivaldo Mendes da Silva; José Lamartine da Silva; Marcelo Henrique Gonçalves de Miranda
Abstract - Affection among male individuals is a social issue to be dialogued, for many years it was silenced for defending the image of a subject who does not express feelings. The reconstruction of affections in masculinity is to enable silence to be re-meant to be verbalized. In order to identify the male suffering silenced by the lack of expression of affectivity, the methodology used was elaborated through a bibliographic survey in articles and books on the theme on screen, through records. The cultural production imposed of sexism by patriarchy, produces the idea that this genre does not need to understand feelings, is a matter of silence for being part of the identity of being man. When the subjects recognize the affections and experience them, it is possible to develop their potentialities by understanding their affections and enabling them to have more harmonious social relationships, through the movement of understanding their momentary limitations to develop significant changes in their development as a human being. Masculinity needs to be reflected by its built social roles, openness to affection will bring to masculinity possibilities to build the identities of men to experience the social relations free of stereotypes that will benefit their own health.
DOI 10.29327/229003.1.2-1
Article IJS-2021-08 - Microplastic pollution and its impacts on marine life and human health: a literature review
Authors - Wellington Santos de Andrade; Rayana Carla Silva de Morais
Abstract - Microplastics are fragments up to 5mm in size that are polluting the oceans due to anthropic action, impacting the lives of marines and humans. The aim of this article is to inform how microplastics are generated and what are the impacts they cause to organisms. A review was carried out through works available in the databases available on the Internet. Microplastics cause negative physical effects, preventing the absorption of nutrients, due to the accumulation of these particles in the organs of the digestive system of marine organisms. In humans, particles smaller than 20μm are likely to penetrate the organs. Even smaller particles are able to move through cell membranes, blood brain barriers and placenta. Therefore, the awareness of the population through environmental education is still the main alternative for habits to be modified, and thus improve the quality of survival of planet Earth.
DOI 10.29327/229003.1.2-2
Article IJS-2021-09 - The performance of the educator in the face of child violence in the Vitória de Santo Antão, Pernambuco, Brazil.
Authors - Jéssica Gomes de Freitas; Anierika Pereira dos Santos; Soraia Lins de Arruda Costa
Abstract - Violence can be classified as physical, psychological, verbal, sexual and/or neglect. The teacher's performance is important in identifying the student's behavioral changes. This study aimed to evaluate the ability of the education professional to analyze and identify possible aggressions suffered by children and adolescents. This is a descriptive analytical study with a quantitative-qualitative approach, carried out in public and private schools in the municipality of Vitória de Santo Antão, Pernambuco, Brazil. About the questioning of violence, 64.3% of teachers in the public network believe that it includes from physical to emotional aggression, already in the private school system, 40% stated that violence is the act of inflicting physical pain on the other. Regarding the attitude towards situations of violence, both schools stated that they denounced the school direction. Knowledge about violence is broad in both professionals, but there is a failure in decision-making. It is recommended better to guide public policies aimed at confronting violence.
DOI 10.29327/229003.1.2-3