Promoting the advancement and dissemination of Scientific and Technological Knowledge
Editorial Team of the IJS | International Journal of Sciences
Editorial Team
Equipe Editorial
Pierre Teodosio Felix, PhD
Scientific Editor/ Editor Científico
Hi, I am Pierre, graduated with a Bachelor of Biological Sciences and PhD in Genetics. I am currently Professor, Researcher and I am lead researcher of the Laboratory of Population Genetics & Computational Evolutionary Biology.
Edelvio de Barros Gomes, PhD
Editor/ Editor
Hi, I am Edelvio Gomes, Bachelor in Biological Sciences and PhD in Bioprocess Technology. Researcher and Professor of Biology, Biochemistry and Bioegineering. My expertise: Environmental Biotechnology (emphasis in Bioremediation/biotreatment of contaminated sites with xenobiotics).
Periodicity / Periodicidade
IJS | International Journal of Sciences is a triannual journal, publishing three issues per year, grouped by volume. Usually, the first issue is published from January to April. The second, from May to August. The third, from September to December.
Grammar review and proofreading/ Revisão e revisão gramatical
Reginaldo Silva Jr
Standardization/ Padronização
Virgínia de Paula Silva
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Open Access Policy / Política de Acesso Livre
There is only one cost for the processing of manuscripts and involving submission, review, editing and publication. There are no fees for subscriptions or for downloading articles.
Manuscripts submitted to IJS | International Journal of Science will be presented and placed under consideration of the Editorial Committee, which is constituted by healthcare professionals, members of renowned research institutions. The Editorial Committee will decide whether the manuscript is accepted for entering the editorial process under these circumstances: 1) if it is in line with its editorial line; 2) if it fits well into IJS sections; and 3) if it brings new information, has a sound methodology with the problem under investigation, and if it has been properly written; then it may go to the peer review process. If that is not the case, the submitted material will not be accepted and it will be returned to the author(s).
Peer review
Peer review aims to guarantee the quality of the papers to be published. This is a doubleblinded review. Reviewers are selected on the basis of their expertise in a particular area (proven through their publications and their academic achievements), or according to their expertise on methodological issues (i.e. biostatistics, epidemiology specialists). This review is ad honorem. Every reviewer has the obligation of declaring every possible conflict of interest regarding the paper to be reviewed and inhibit himself/herself from the review; also, he/she should maintain confidentiality with respect to the data included in the paper. Rating may be as follows: a) accepted with no modifications; b) may be published, with minor observations; c) may be published, with major observations; d) should not be published. Also, the reviewer may suggest the paper is published in a different section of IJS (i.e., as an original paper instead of a short communication). Taking into account the reviewers’ observations, the Editorial Committee will finally decide whether the paper may be published, if it is not approved, or if it is necessary to send a document with objections/observations to the author(s).
Response to observations
In case it has been decided that the manuscript may go to the peer review process, and when reviewers’ conclusions become available, authors should respond to observations in the following way: The author will send observation withdrawal including the following: 1) a corrected version of the manuscript, showing change control, and 2) a letter detailing each one of the observations made, his/her response to such observations and actions taken. An inadequate response of such observations may become a reason for requesting additional clarification and even for rejecting the manuscript. IJS may resend the corrected manuscript to a reviewer before considering it for publication. Should the author not respond within the established time period or of he/she does not send a letter detaining his/her response to each requested objection/observation, the manuscript will be rejected. The average lasting time for the editorial process (from reception up to the final decision of the Editorial Committee) may last between two to four months, depending on the review process and the authors’ response.
Prepress proofing
Once edition is over, the paper will be sent for diagrammation. Afterwards, the diagrammed paper will be sent to the author(s) so they may verify that it corresponds to the final approved text, and then finally they may give their approval for publication. Should authors not respond within the time framework established by IJS for this purpose, this final version will be deemed as accepted