Volume 2, Número 2, Ano: 2021,
ISSN: 2763-5392

Article IJS-2021-0501 - An analysis on the advancement of technologies and the presence of technological resources in teaching practice
Authors - Maria José de Lima Silva Andrade; Katia Regina Orlando da Silva; Maria Solange dos Santos Gama; Teresa Amelia Barros de Souza; Emanuella Barros de Souza Oliveira Álvares
Abstract - Living in the 21st century, where Information and Communication Technologies, ICT, advance and become increasingly present in our daily life, it is expected that its use will extend to teaching practice and bring significant benefits in the teaching and learning process. In this article we have as objectives: to analyze the advancement of technologies; identify the main technological tools currently used by teachers in their pedagogical practice; to reflect on possible contributions that its use brings to the teaching and learning process and to point out the possible difficulties faced that still prevent its more effective use. For the formulation of this article, we initially used bibliographic research to give us a basis and then an online research, with teachers, regarding the use of technological resources in the classroom. As a theoretical contribution we use studies by authors such as Bruzzi (2016), Skinner (1972), Valente (1995), among others. We conclude, with this work, that the use of digital technologies in teaching practice exists yes, however several factors corroborate for its use to represent an improvement in the teaching and learning process. The use is conditioned to various factors such as equipment (hardware), software, teacher training, management, among others. The union of these elements or the lack of one of them makes success or not success happen. This leads us to a constant challenge of appropriating ICT in order to promote a quality education, which motivates people involved in the teaching and learning process to seek and participate in the construction of new knowledge.
Article IJS-2021-0502 - Report of the specific internship in clinical psychology (clinical-school services)
Authors - Alzirene Andrade da Fonseca; Ana Izabel Gomes Corrêa
Abstract - In this work we present the Final Report of the Specific Internship in Clinical Psychology, carried out at the School Clinic of the Faculty of Human Sciences of Olinda (FACHO), from August 2020 to June 2021. We report the lively theoretical-practical course lived during this time of the Supervised Specific Internship. The time has also been marked to tell of the time of COVID-19. Challenges and possibilities encountered favored clinical practice, experienced based on psychoanalytic theory and psychotherapy exercise. The report contains the table of visits to seven clients, two adolescents, one young and four adults, welcomed in the “Estação” Project and the Coexist Project, modality of services offered by the School Clinic. We used an active methodology in the supervised internship, based on welcoming, listening, ethics in the therapeutic setting and the "expected relief" of the psychic suffering of the subject, here called the client.
Article IJS-2021-0503 - The importance of the pedagogical political project for school management
Authors - Maria José De Lima Silva Andrade; Teresa Amelia Barros de Souza; Emanuella Barros de Souza Oliveira Álvares
Abstract - This academic research work has as its theme the importance of the Pedagogical Political Project (PPP) for Management and has as its general objective to recognize its relevance to school management. In the course of the text, it is perceived that the PPP functions as a fundamental working instrument for a management that is concerned with organizing the pedagogical activities and active management of the institution seeking to promote quality teaching. Based on a bibliographical research, the article is composed of topics relevant to the theme explaining the concept, principals and the contributions of the PPP to a school management. The main theoretical reference was the texts of the author Lima Passos Veiga, by the author José Libêneo and Celso Vasconcelos, which demonstrate that the school organization is complex and must be thought and intentional in such a way that a management that values dialogue and the exchange of ideas makes all the difference in the school's results.
Article IJS-2021-0504 - The application of psychoeducation to families of schizophrenia patients
Authors - Débora Sales Nóbrega; Maria Suely Sales da Nóbrega; Fabiane Gonçalves
Abstract - This scientific article aimed to understand how psychoeducation can contribute to the treatment of patients with schizophrenia, from the theoretical perspective of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). The study was based on scientific articles found in books and on the Google Scholar platform, through the descriptors: Cognitive behavioral therapy; CBT and schizophrenia; Psychoeducation and schizophrenia. A clinical case report was also made based on the application of psychoeducation directed both to the schizophrenic family and to itself. Therefore, it showed the need for further studies on the subject, since few studies were found that spoke about these contents, therefore, the efficacy of psychoeducation for patient autonomy was demonstrated.
Article IJS-2021-0505 - The applicability of Portuguese language teaching in country schools: a case study in the city of Glória do Goitá, Pernambuco, Brazil
Authors - Edvaldo Pedro da Silva; Maria Lúcia Barcelos Venceslau; George do Nascimento Leão; Maria José de Lima Silva Andrade; Inalda Maria De Andrade
Abstract - It is very common to listen that every pedagogy brings within itself a conception of person, of world, of society. Depending on this conception of the person education takes one direction or the other. Education defines what the didactics will be, what are the strategies of the lesson plans, the evaluation system, the relationship between educator and student. In fact, every Pedagogy has a philosophy that gives it the course. Starting for education, depending on the conception of the person who the teacher of the field, has of himself/she will teach in one way or another, will relate to his students in one way or another and all these issues proposed here directly influences the process teaching student's learning, especially with regard to the teaching of Portuguese language in the Schools of the Field. Thus, this research seeks to make comments and considerations about the applicability of Portuguese language teaching in the education of the field, in the fundamental series in Glória do Goitá, through research that will be worked, deployed and presented, showing the values and potentialities of the school of the field, seeking to understand what education is being offered and what conception of education is present in this offer. Moreover, what considerations should be worked on to build a political pedagogical scenario in the field, opportunistic and/or valuing the empirical knowledge of the student.
Article IJS-2021-0506 - Sexuality in the quality of life of the elderly: an integrative review of the literature
Authors - Aniedja Kaline da Silva Andrade; Bruna Rafaela Dornelas de Andrade Lima Monteiro; Sâmia Dayana Lemos de Lacerda; Iza Paula de Deus e Mello Albuquerque Arruda; Anny Karolainy Silva de Lima; Danielly Alexandrina de Santana Cavalcanti; Erivaldo Gomes da Silva
Abstract - To analyze in the literature the context of sexuality in quality of life during the aging process. This is an integrative literature review, searches were performed in the Scientific Electronic Library Online (MedLine/Pubmed), Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS) and Cochrane Library databases in the period of February to July 2021. As inclusion criteria, articles without language restrictions and whose methodology allowed obtaining evidence on sexuality in the quality of life of the elderly were adopted. Articles that related the elderly and AIDS or HIV and other types of publications other than articles were excluded. A total of 2,041 articles were found in the databases, 63 were excluded due to duplicity and 1,910 per title and/or abstract, leaving 68. Of these, after analysis, 04 were included in the review for meeting the eligibility criteria. This review shows that despite the taboos involving sexuality during aging, it is evident that the subject can positively impact the quality of life of the elderly. New studies are needed for this theme to be strengthened.
Article IJS-2021-0507 - The essential link between the school environment and the teaching of and sexual education for the training of young people - a literature review
Authors - Janaina Barbosa da Silva; Bárbara Rafaela da Silva Dias; Maria José de Lima Silva Andrade; Edvaldo Pedro da Silva; Wanderson Cleyton da Silva; Darlane Barboza de Farias; Amanda Priscila da Silva; Daniele Barboza Ramos; Gilmara Maria de Almeida; Rute França de Almeida; Marcos Vinícius Alves da Silva; Karina Kananda Isídio da Rocha; Mônica Istefne dos Santos Lima; Maria José dos Santos Silva; Emanuella Barros de Souza Oliveira Álvares; Allyson Rodrigo de Oliveira Lopes
Abstract - The importance of teaching Sexual Education in schools is explained by its own context, but represents a theme of social relevance. The adoption of sexual education/orientation practices is a tool for health promotion. The present work aims to bring up discussions about the aspects that surround human sexuality from the historical and social perspective. From the methodological point of view, this work is organized based on a brief bibliographic overview on the image of the female and male figure in the process of human reproduction, since the beginning severing; parallel to this, a diachronic study of the 20th century was carried out, in which the teaching of Sexual Education in Brazilian schools was portrayed as being mediated. The structure of the text consists of three parts that allow a better reading understanding of the socio-historical clashes involving Sexual Education in prejudices and taboos arising from common sense. In addition, some of the political demands that were made for the non-repression of Sexual Education in Brazilian schools were demonstrated. Thus, we emphasize the importance of teaching Sexual Education for the education of young people more aware of their decisions and attitudes within and outside the school context.
Article IJS-2021-0508 - Importance of sex education in school for the prevention of STIs/AIDS in adolescence
Authors - Cleoneide Carvalho dos Santos; Edvaldo Pedro da Silva; Maria José de Lima Silva Andrade; Lucineide Barbosa Lima; Romualdo Arthur Ferreira de Lima; Rayane Aline Belarmino Santos; Anielle Daiane da Silva; Luiz Felipe da Silva; Tamyres Maria do Nascimento; Daniele Barboza Ramos; Estelina Terezinha de Santana; Hanna Christina da Silva; Lúbia Maria de Sousa; Emanuella Barros de Souza Oliveira Álvares; Allyson Rodrigo de Oliveira Lopes
Abstract - Prevention is an important factor to be included in the school program, since one tries to approach the subject only in science classes, with specific contents. However, it is noted that the topics addressed basically refer to contraceptive methods and biological conceptualization, focused on human anatomy and physiology. The objective was to bring information and alerts to students about possible infections transmitted by sexual intercourse without any form of prevention. The work was carried out in the class of the 8th year of the municipal school August 3 in the city of Vitoria de Santo Antão - PE, with the target audience in the age group between 14 and 16 years. The gymkhana provided young people to interact in a more didactic way, besides raising awareness about certain types of infections. Work contributes so that adolescents can later exercise sexuality with responsibility and safety.
Article IJS-2021-0509 - The prevalence of Schistosoma mansoni infection in a small municipality, Pernambuco, Brazil in 2019
Authors - Elvira de Souza Borba; Andrezza Fabianni Pedrosa dos Santos Lima; Emivaldo Batista da Silva; Emilly Tainá Batista da Silva; Júlio César da Silva Bruce; Joana Bulhões Alvares da Silva; José Lucas da Silva Moura; Allyson Rodrigo de Oliveira Lopes; Emanuella Barros de Souza Oliveira Alvares
Abstract - Schistostossomosis mansoni is a neglected disease that affects thousands of individuals living in endemic areas, even with all health services to control and reduce its prevalence. This study aims to describe the prevalence of Schistosoma mansoni infection in the municipality of Glória do Goitá, in the state of Pernambuco, in 2019. This is an epidemiological, prospective, descriptive study with a quantitative approach, conducted with secondary data extracted from the Schistosomiasis Control Program System (SISPCE). Among the 1,055 tests analyzed, 1,042 of these samples indicated a negative result, thus presenting a total of 98.77% of the proportion of negative people. Therefore, it is essential to invest and implement Health Education campaigns on the forms of transmission, prophylaxis and treatment of Schistosoma mansoni infection directed to all residential areas (rural area and urban area) of the municipality under study.
Article IJS-2021-0510 - Profile of the self-medication process and the risks associated with bacterial resistance among undergraduates of the Bachelor's Degree in Pharmacy, at the Academic Center of Vitória de Santo Antão, Pernambuco, in the year 2021
Authors - Otacilio Pedro da Silva Neto; Maria Stéphanny de Souza Silva; Ana Jhoice de Santana Ferreira; Júlio César da Silva Bruce; Emanuella Barros de Souza Oliveira Álvares
Abstract - Bacterial resistance is a phenomenon that makes bacteria resistant to antibiotics, generating a complicated picture for GlobalHealth, as it becomes increasingly difficult or even impossible to administer the treatment of the infected individual. Therefore, this research aims to analyze the process of self-medication and knowledge about bacterial resistance among undergraduates of the Bachelor's Degree in Pharmacy, from the Academic Center of Vitória de Santo Antão, Pernambuco, in 2021. This is a descriptive exploratory study, in which a questionnaire was applied to students using the online platform Google forms, in which the self-medication profile, most used antibiotic and the main cause of antibiotic use were evaluated. From the above, it was noted the importance of the presence of qualified pharmacists who can act directly in pharmaceutical care and in the counseling of the population through continuing education actions informing about the appropriate use of antimicrobials and bacterial resistance.
Article IJS-2021-0511 - The role of the pharmacist in the process of controlling and combating hospital infections by Staphylococcus aureus
Authors - Marcelo Gomes Caitete; Arthur José Barros de Souza Oliveira; Emivaldo Batista da Silva; Maria Stéphanny de Souza Silva; Allyson Rodrigo de Oliveira Lopes; Emanuella Barros de Souza Oliveira Álvares
Abstract - As much as it is considered as part of the flora of the human organism, in some situations Staphylococcus aureus can cause an increase in the variety of infections and become a pathogen, being responsible for community and hospital infections. This research aims to analyze the role of the pharmacist in the control and fight against hospital infections by Staphylococcus aureus. For the elaboration of this study, the methodology of descriptive review of the scientific literature was used. In addition, the contamination caused by these bacteria constantly affects the subcutaneous and coating tissue, where most of them come from external causes. The technological advance also contributes to the increase in the incidence of hospital infection due to the disorderly use of antibiotics and the increase of invasive procedures and the emergence of resistant microorganisms