Promoting the advancement and dissemination of Scientific and Technological Knowledge
Volume 6, Número 1, Ano: 2023,
ISSN: 2763-5392
IJS-1601 Mental health of university students: a social and psychological view
Author(s): Silva, M.F.; Lopes, L.T.C.; Silva, D.U.; Silva, M.E.S.F.; Santos, F.W.; Xavier, C.R.S.G.; Silva, E.E.; Santana, K.D.; Santos, M.N.C.; Andrade, L.V.S.; Da Paz, E.R.T.; Silva, W.R.M.; Felix, P.T.
Abstract: Introduction: Mental health problems among Brazilian university students represent a critical public health situation, especially with regard to stress and anxiety. For many, the experience of entering a higher education institution is a determining factor in their psycho-emotional and social development, affecting their entire routine and causing stress and an emotional burden that is difficult to bear, especially after the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. , as noted by Maia and Dias (2020). Objective: Identify factors that affect the mental health of university students through a social and psychological perspective. Methodology: The methodology adopted for this work is based on bibliographic research of scientific articles and periodicals. Results and discussions: According to a study by Fernandes et al . (2018), it was observed that 63% of young people at a Public University developed anxiety and there are several factors that negatively influence the mental health of these students, such as social pressure and interpersonal relationships. Furthermore, work, linked to the overload of academic life and the new responsibilities it brings, is one of the potential sources of stress and mental disorders (Moretti and Hübner, 2017). Fernandes et al . (2018) carried out a survey with 579 students and were able to conclude that 86% of those interviewed had depressive symptoms correlated to social indicators. Moretti and Hubner (2017) conducted their research and came to the conclusion that the education system overburdens higher education students. All the articles reviewed make it clear that the demand for a social standard to be followed and the daily overload make human beings ill. Final considerations: Considering that stress and anxiety represent significant challenges for university students, special attention to this issue is extremely important. The transition to higher education is a crucial moment for the psycho-emotional and social development of young people, worsened by the impact of the pandemic. Studies show that high levels of anxiety affect the majority of these students. Social pressure, difficulties in interpersonal relationships and the accumulation of academic and professional responsibilities are factors that contribute to this challenging scenario. Therefore, it is crucial to address these mental health issues among college students to promote a healthier environment and support the psychological well-being of this population.
Keywords: Higher education. Mental health. Stress. Anxiety. Social factors.
IJS-1602 The impacts of virtual social networks on mental health: a literature review
Author(s): Santos, S.E.C.; Caldas, A.A.S.; Lira, D.P.S.; Silva, L.G.; Silva, A.V.B.; Andrade, A.I.C.; Silva, P.R.S.; Silva, E.M.C.V.; Faccioli, J.B.S.; Santos, F.K.A.S.; Araújo, B.A.; Oliveira, M.S.S.; Felix, P.T.
Abstract: Introduction: The speed of information has never been so high and in the last 20 years, we have seen the digital advancement with the internet evolving at a frightening speed when compared to the evolution of books. The benefits achieved in various areas such as health, safety and especially in education are undeniable, such as what was seen in the COVID-19 pandemic with an important and significant renewal. However, the excessive use of virtual social networks has generated dependence, affected social relationships and impacted the mental health of children and the elderly. In the light of these observations, several authors question the impacts of excessive use of virtual social networks on the mental health of their users. Objective: The objective of this article was to relate the impacts of excessive use of social networks on the mental health of its users. Methodology: The methodology of this article was a qualitative literature review, with a selection of articles, monographs, books, published in a time period from 2011 to 2023. Conclusion: It is concluded in this study that the relationship between excessive uses of virtual social networks results in technological dependence, distancing from social life, increased levels of anxiety, depression and cyber bullying. Affecting the mental health of users, regardless of their age groups, and multidisciplinary psychological support seems to be the only strategy to correct excesses in the use of networks.
Keywords: Dissociative Identity Disorder. Child abuse. Trauma.
IJS-1603 The influence of spirituality on mental health
Author(s): Santos, F.A.L.; Nascimento, J.F.; Silva, N.M.; Lima, M.P.S.; Souza, L.D.C.; Brabosa. M.E.S.; Cristina, S.; Nascimento, C.G.S.; Arruda, M.N.L.;Damásio, E.M.S.; Silva, E.B.; Pereira, L.V.S.; Moreira, M.V.F.; Oliveira, M.G.S.; Silva, D.J.S.; Bezerra, F.V.D.; Júnior, D.F.B.; Silva, M.P.; Silva, L.B.; Felix, P.T.
Abstract: Introduction: Historically, science and spirituality were considered distinct areas, however, following the expansion of the concept of health by the World Health Organization (WHO), as being “the state of complete physical, mental and social well-being” and not simply the “absence of illness”, the phenomenon of spirituality began to be considered as an influencer on people’s quality of life. Objectives: contextualize mental illness throughout the history of humanity and differentiate the concept of spirituality from religion. Methodology: The methodology adopted for this work is based on bibliographic research of scientific articles and periodicals. Results and discussions: Why study spirituality and religiosity? According to LUKOFF and collaborators “The religious and spiritual dimensions of culture are among the most important factors that structure human beliefs, values, behaviors and patterns of illness, that is, the experience. More and more research suggests that religiosity and spirituality are important factors for people who suffer or are ill. Final considerations: There is evidence that people with developed spirituality become healthier, and when they get sick, they develop less depression and recover more quickly. For many people, spirituality is a source of comfort, well-being, security, meaning, ideal and strength. Spirituality can be understood as a set of mental processes that bring vitality and meaning to life events. It is the human propensity for interest for others and for yourself. It meets the need to find reason and fulfillment in life, as well as the need for hope and will to live well and happily.
Keywords: Science. Spirituality. Mental health
IJS-1604 “Exhausted and anxious”: the worsening of women is psychological suffering in post-pandemic Brazil
Author(s): Moreira, R,A.; Silva, M.B.F.; Almeida, J.M.; Santos, D.J.; Freitas, J.M.; Amorim, M.G.R.; Silva, M.J.; Silva, W.O.; Oliveira, M.C.C.; Silva, G.L.; Pereira, M.A.M.; Felix, P.T.
Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic experienced in 2020 and 2021, surprised and shook contemporary society. On the one hand, by intensifying profound social inequalities, it complicated old problems and generated new adversities both for those who were already vulnerable and for those who were previously secure. On the other hand, it worsened a mental health crisis already experienced pre-pandemic by exposing everyone to mass death reported every moment, social isolation, fear of death, mourning without goodbye, and anguish in the face of the unknown. Psychic suffering is then heightened, and anxiety, for example, which is so natural to people in dangerous situations, becomes pathological. However, despite the relief at overcoming the health crisis, the consequences of the pandemic continue to echo. In addition, it is precisely post-pandemic Brazil that this study focuses on, focusing on the mental health of the female population. Its objective is to analyze the mental health of women in post-pandemic Brazil. To do this, it reflects on the mental health crisis already underway before the pandemic and then maps the experiences during the pandemic period that influenced its worsening. It ends by analyzing women's exposure to anxiety disorder in the post-pandemic period. The preparation of this work included a broad literature review focusing on articles and scientific journals on women's mental health and post-pandemic anxiety disorder in Brazil, available in the databases of SciELO Brazil, Revista de Políticas Públicas (RPP), the Electronic Magazine Acervo Saúde (REAS) and the Electronic Journals Portal in Psychology (PepsiCo). It also included data from the report “Exhausted: impoverishment, care overload and women's psychological suffering”, released in August 2023 because of research carried out by Think Olga. It was observed that women have a very high risk of becoming ill when it comes to psychological distress. So much so that they suffer most from depressive and anxiety disorders. This fact becomes even worse in the post-pandemic scenario, when symptoms such as irritability, stress, low self-esteem, fatigue, insomnia and sadness become common in the daily lives of the female population. Such exhaustion has a visceral relationship with the gender inequality that structures Brazilian society. It is because of this, and the violent sociability it produces, that Brazilian women, in addition to being underrepresented in politics, and suffering more harassment, are overburdened with care work, in addition to being more vulnerable to unemployment and less remuneration. It is concluded, therefore, that caring for women's mental health must be a priority commitment, especially in the post-pandemic period, in which the feeling of “the worst is over, now it's time to get on with life normally” makes serious and urgent problems such as those experienced by minorities groups. In addition, definitely, its authors agree, “there is no possible future if women's suffering and illness are not taken care of immediately”.for yourself. It meets the need to find reason and fulfillment in life, as well as the need for hope and will to live well and happily.
Keywords: Covid-19. Post-pandemic. Mental health. Anxiety. Women
IJS-1605 The role of the family in child development
Author(s): Silva, C.A.; Silva, K.T.N.; Silva, A.A.; Costa, J,S.; Alves, V.G.L.; Silva, R.E.; Santana, M.V.M.; Monteiro, M.J.; Silva, D.T.P.; Dandara, E.; Silva, K.M.S.; Souza, M.E.S.; Felix, P.T.
Abstract: The family constitutes the child's first universe of social relationships, and can provide them with an environment for growth and development. Therefore, it is extremely important for children in the first years of life to have a consolidated and well-structured foundation so that they grow up healthy and without any psychological disorders, as this foundation will contribute to the formation of their personality and the construction of their relationships. future parents and guardians have active roles in their children's emotions. In this article, we sought to understand the place of the family in the child's development and the reason for the existence of psychological disorders at this stage, as well as the level of awareness of parents in validating their children's feelings. To prepare this work, searches were carried out for scientific articles in databases such as Scielo. As a result, the importance of strengthening affective and emotional bonds became evident, especially with the effective and constant presence of the family and that the majority of psychological disorders are generated in unhealthy homes, or in those homes where validation of emotions is not taught. It is then concluded that when they repress their emotions, some types of disorders such as depression, anxiety and OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) are generated and that having a healthy and functional home seems to be the most practical path to the child's full development.
Keywords: Family. Child. Development. Emotions.