Volume 3, Número 3, Ano: 2022,
ISSN: 2763-5392
IJS-0901 Diversity of Alzheimer's disease: a review of the literature and its treatment perspectives
Author(s): Marques, E.E.; Santos, Y.S.R.P.; Silva, C.V.L.; Araujo, J.S.; Ferreira, L.K.F.; Silva, M.P.; Silva, M.V.; França, M.G.; Silva, P.V.; Lopes, A.R.O.
Abstract: Alzheimer, is a neurodegenerative disease, that is, irreversible destruction of some neurons occurs, with this can occur the loss of functions of the nervous system. This work was developed in three stages: stage 1: the onset of the disease begins with a memory problem being moderated as forgetfulness; stage 2: individuals need some care because there is loss of functionality, forgetfulness, memory loss of recent functions, with this they cannot perform their daily activities alone. Partial loss of cognitive ability, so patients have a dependence on a person for their care. In addition, most people due to lack of knowledge may think that symptoms are just a simple loss of memory, but it develops other symptoms such as mood swings, difficulty performing everyday tasks and lack of real-life perspectives. The aim of this study is to report the diversity of Alzheimer's disease, with methods such as physiotherapy, nutrition and its treatment perspective. Knowing that AD is a degenerative disease, it is important to show the action of nutrition, physiotherapy and the respective treatments, in order to assist in the stagnation of the disease.
Keywords: : Diabetes, Alzheimer’s, dementia, neurodegenerative, addiction.
IJS-0902 Breastfeeding guidance during nursing consultation in the prenatal period
Author(s): Almeida, E.S.; Souza, J.V.A.; Silva, S.C.; Souza, G.M.S.; Silva, A.I.A.; Silva, W.F.F.; Moraes, C.S.; Santos, L.; Silva, L.A.; Santos, M.L.S.; Passos, L.T.F.; Luz, R.M.D.; Souza, A.C.A.; Carmo, S.L.A.C.
Abstract: To analyze the provision of guidance performed by nurses for primiparous pregnant women during prenatal care on the practice of breastfeeding. It’s based on a quantitative cross-sectional cohort research with a descriptive approach. It was held in a Basic Health Unit (BHU), located in the municipality of Glória do Goitá - Pernambuco. The nurse responsible and the pregnant women were interviewed through a questionnaire, with closed questions. According to the questions of the questionnaire, the research was grouped into three main categories: 1) referring to the path of breastfeeding; 2) referring to the age and evaluation offered by a health professional in the prenatal consultation; and, 3) referent to the stimulus practices for pregnant women performed at the BHU. It observed that nurses during prenatal consultation can guide pregnant women about breastfeeding, but more work still needs to be done to obtain higher results.to show the action of nutrition, physiotherapy and the respective treatments, in order to assist in the stagnation of the disease.
Keywords: Nursing. Orientation. Breastfeeding. Health Education
IJS-0903 Systemic arterial hypertension and its correlation with smoking in a basic health unit of Passira/PE/Brazil
Authors: Moura, G.A.; Barbosa, J.A.; Barbosa, K.M.N.E.; Barbosa, A.D.X.; Medeiros, M.S.; Silva, T.A.; Silva, D.G.M.; Santana, J.H.; Silva, W.F.P.; Santos, M.E.S.; Lira, G.C.S.; Souza, E.O.S.; Souza, A.C.A.; Costa, S.L.A.
Abstract: The study aims to identify the relationship of Systemic Arterial Hypertension with smoking in patients of the basic health unit of Passira/PE. This is a quantitative cross-sectional cohort survey, conducted through a semi-structured questionnaire with patients registered and accompanied by HIPERDIA, which is a program aimed at affected by hypertension and diabetes diseases. Patients diagnosed with SAH and smoking history were included and those diagnosed with Diabetes only, without a smoking history and who do not attend consultations were excluded. The results show that women by age group up to 65 years have greater contact with cigarettes, and above 65 years the number of smokers is higher in males. It was concluded that the sample was significant, observing a total of approximately 30%, identifying that smoking has interfered in the balance of the organism, being an important factor for the emergence of SAH.
Keywords: Systemic Arterial Hypertension. Smoking. Cardiovascular Diseases. Public Health
IJS-0904 Peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC): nursing knowledge in neonatal intensive care unit
Author(s): Carmo, I.M.S.; Bezerra, A.A.S.; Silva. F.N.; Silva, M.M.; Silva, H.B.G.; Silva, T.A.S.; Monte Carlos, E.F.S.; Rocha, W.E.S.; Araújo, E.B.M.; Andrade, C.H.S.; Luz, R.M.D.; Reis, M.M.L.; Souza, A.C.A.; Carmo, S.L.A.C.
Abstract: The peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) has been used as an alternative of safe and effective venous access for Critically Ill NCs, with a technological repress indispensable to the care of these patients. The stucco aims to describe nursing knowledge in patients with peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). This is a descriptive, exploratory field study with quantitative approach. The study was carried out in a NICU in a public hospital in the municipality of Vitória de Santo Antão - PE. A questionnaire with objective questions was used to collect the data of nursing professionals to obtain knowledge pertinent to the procedure and nursing care in question. The sample consisted of nurses and nursing technicians, totaling a sample of 49 professionals, where 30.62% (n=15) were nurses and 69.38% (n=34) were nursing technicians. Of this quantitative 10.2% (n=5) were away for vacation, being 4.08% (n=2) nurse and 6.12% (n=3) nursing technicians, which characterizes them to be excluded from the research, in addition, 2.04% (n=1) of the professionals refused to participate in the research. Studies demonstrate the importance of their knowledge for the insertion and maintenance of these devices. The possession of information brings to the professional’s greater confidence to the procedures executed. It is perceived through this study that it is necessary to disseminate knowledge by improving qualification courses, basing nursing actions and care.
Keywords: Newborn. Intravenous therapy. Peripheral catheterization
IJS-0905 The importance of breastfeeding guidance for puerperal women
Author(s): Feliciano, E.C.; Araújo, T.B.S.; Oliveira, N.C.; Silva, J.P.; Silva, A.M.B.P.; Silva, R.M.S.; Lima, C.G.O.; Araújo, V.S.; Luz, R.M. D.; Souza, A.C.A.; Costa, S.L.A.
Abstract: Breastfeeding brings benefits to the health and well-being of the baby and mother, so for the act of breastfeeding to be successful, we need trained professionals to guide mothers since prenatal care and so it is necessary that health professionals are able to be at the mother's side guiding on breastfeeding, assisting in the first feedings of the newborn (NB). Its objective is to describe the importance of breastfeeding guidance for the health promotion of newborns and puerperal women. This is a descriptive cross-sectional field study, of the observational type with quantitative approach carried out in the Zona da Mata in the municipality of Vitória de Santo Antão. The sample population was conducted with 16 puerperal women, data collection was performed through a semi-structured questionnaire, with objective questions to collect the data and obtain the information pertinent to the research objectives. It was verified that the puerperal women need the guidance of a health professional, so that the practice of breastfeeding obtains satisfactory results, and for all doubts regarding the food taboos, the importance of breastfeeding, the correct way on the baby's handle, informing the breast-feeding room and how important is the support of family members at this time.
Keywords: Maternal breastfeeding. Women's health. Proper guidance
IJS-0906 Profile of adolescents and young people exposed to drug use assisted by the health program at school
Author(s): Amorim, R.G.P.; Nunes, M.G.S.; Silva, F.L.; Souza, H.P.J.; Costa, J.E.V.; Calazans, F.A.; Intermaninense, J.N.C.; Santos, T.T.L.; Silva, A.I.A.; Silva, D.G.M.; Souza, A.C.A.; Costa, S.L.A.
Abstract: This research aims to trace the profile of students assisted by health program at school regarding drug use. This is a descriptive cross-sectional study of quantitative approach carried out in a municipal school of Vitória de Santo Antão - PE. For data collection, a closed unidentified self-completed questionnaire was used in the period of August/September 2017. Adolescents from 12 to 18 years of age enrolled in school and of both genders were included in the sample and those who did not have attendance in classes were excluded. The sample consisted of 41 adolescents. The research was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the Joaquim Nabuco Foundation. The results showed that the predominant age group was 13 to 15 years. Regarding the social class of the students' families, 63.5% belonged to class C. Regarding drugs, 61% of adolescents tried alcoholic beverages, 12.2% tobacco and 9.8%. All who tried such substances also tried alcohol and illicit drugs such as: marijuana, cocaine, crack, heroin, LSD and ecstasy were not mentioned by the adolescents. In view of the exhibition, we conclude that licit drugs have become something of common use for adolescents, demonstrating the need to plan actions focused on this theme, with the objective of reducing this reality, reducing vulnerability factors and expanding protective factors.
Keywords: Adolescents. Alcoholic beverages. Tobacco. Inhalants. Licit drugs.
IJS-0907 The perception of the nurse in front of the patient who survived the suicide attempt: an integrative review
Author(s): Silva, F.U.; Oliveira, M.J.S.; Barbosa, K.M.N.E.; Tavares, R.F.S.; Júnior, L.L.; Sousa, J.V.A.; Silva, T.A.; Santos, L.; Andrade, C.H.S.; Santos, D.F.; Braz, P.C.D.O.; Souza, A.C.A.; Costa, S.L.A.
Abstract: Suicide is the act performed by the individual himself, consciously and intentionally, whose purpose is death. It is a complex phenomenon and its incidence is considered high in Brazil, and therefore represents an important public health problem. To highlight in the pertinent literature the perception of emergency nurses in the patient who survived the suicide attempt. This is an integrative review of the literature conducted in the period 2000 - 2018, in the following databases: LILACS, VHL, SCIELO and UNISC. For this, the descriptors were used: "suicide", "nursing care" and "emergency". In this review, 11 scientific articles were used. It is noticed that the discourses and practices performed by the nurse have changed little in recent decades, still bringing a look of judgment about it of the patient who attempted suicide.
Keywords: Suicide. Nursing care. Emergency
IJS-0908 Analysis of the perception of nurses when assessing the pain of the newborn in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
Author(s): Luna, C.S.M.S.; Silva, F.N.; Carmo, I.M.S.; Medeiros, S.S.; Silva, M.E.F.A.; Arruda, E. Santos, P.S.N.R.; Nunes, M.G.S.; Souza, H.P.J.; Souza, A.C.A.; Costa, S.L.A.
Abstract: The nursing team has great relevance in the process of pain perception and evaluation, since it acts directly in the care of these babies, being responsible for identifying signs and enabling intervention that can soften the painful sensation. This study aims to identify and analyze the perception of nurses about pain assessment in NBs hospitalized in neonatal ICU. This is a descriptive, cross-sectional study with a quantitative-qualitative approach. Twelve participants were sampled. The newborn has several peculiarities, emphasizing even more the importance of training professionals. Neglect of painful stimuli can result in long- and short-term harmful consequences. The results obtained were satisfactorily satisfactory. However, it is expected that this agenda that deals with pain in the neonatal sphere will continue to spread in the field of science, bringing more and more improvements in the options of treatments and care.
Keywords: Newborn. Neonatal ICU. Pain.
IJS-0909 The perspectives of adolescents of a municipality of the interior of Pernambuco about the practice of breastfeeding
Author(s): Silva, S.M.; Arruda, A.S.; Luz, R.M.D.; Saraiva, T.O.; Gomes, L.M.L.; Rodrigues, A.G.; Pessoa, L.A.R.; Almeida, E.S.; Silva, S.K.B.; Andrade, C,H.S.; Souza, A.C.A.; Campos, J.V.; Costa, S.L.A.
Abstract: The study aimed to investigate how adolescent mothers were prepared to practice exclusive breastfeeding (EUS), as well as their support, facilities and know the difficulties they face and the support received in this process. This descriptive, quantitative cross-sectional study was carried out with 48 adolescents in five Family Health Strategy in the municipality of Passira, Pernambuco. Data were collected through a semi-structured questionnaire. Of the adolescents studied, there was a variation between 17 and 19 years, where 29.1% were 17 years old, 50% did not complete high school, 41.6% regarding the profession reported being from the home, 75% of the adolescents were married, lived in a stable union, 100% of the adolescents had prenatal care in the ESF, where 88% were accompanied by the nurse; 87.5% of them received information about breastfeeding, regarding the type of delivery, 64.5% had normal delivery, did not present risks 58.3% had ectopic delivery, 85.4% previously breastfed; 52.2% had ESC until six months. Among the difficulties in performing the ESA, 79% had breast engorgement, 77% pain while breastfeeding and 75% fissures. It is noted that the continuous support of health professionals, in prenatal and puerperal periods, is a determining factor for a better understanding and guidance on the practice of breastfeeding.
Keywords: Breastfeeding. Adolescent. Community health nursing.
IJS-0910 Knowledge of the women assisted in a family health unit in the municipality of Salgadinho - PE, about breast cancer
Author(s): Souza, C.L.: Andrade, M.O.; Silva, C.L.; Andrade, C.H.S.; Bezerra, A.A.S.; Silva, B.R.A.; Calazans, F.A.; Araújo, T.B.S.; Bonnaneti, A.C.N.R.; Nunes , M.G.S.; Reis, M.M.L.; Souza, A.C.A.; Costa, S.L.A.
Abstract: This study aims to evaluate the knowledge and guidance of women in the primary unit about breast cancer. This is a quantitative, descriptive and cross-sectional research. Women registered in the family health strategy of the municipality of Salgadinho - PE were evaluated. A questionnaire with objective questions was applied to these women. Thirty-two women were interviewed, where there is a predominance of the age group of 35 years, corresponding to 29.04% (n=9), single marital status 48.38% (n=15), regarding schooling 64.51% (n=20) have elementary school, 67.75% (n=21) are women who do not work and 54.83% (n=17) have a family income of one minimum wage, live in their own home 93.54% (n=19). Regarding knowledge about breast cancer, 87.09% (n=27) know the disease, but only 77.41% (n=24) participated in lectures at the UBS, and 61.3% (n=19) still report having their doubts clarified by the nurse. About the practice of tests related to the diagnosis of breast cancer, 58.06% (n=18) never performed tests, and 90.22% (n=28) believe in the importance of performing exams annually. The number of 93.54%(n=29) knows how to perform the self-examination, and every woman who participated in the research stated that mammography is the best screening test for breast cancer. Considering that breast cancer is a widely discussed topic in society in general, it was observed that knowledge of the disease exists, but it is necessary to strengthen the health team focused on sensitization in examination practices and measures that help in the prevention of breast cancer.
Keywords: Breast cancer. Health Education. Women
IJS-0911 Puerpery women in the face of nursing conducts in the promotion of breastfeeding
Author(s): Barros, G.C.S.S.; Silva, K.K.M.; Silva, T.C.; Damascena, N.S.; Bezerra, A.A.S.; Oliveira, C.K.C.; Lins, L.G.S.; Oliveira, A.M.A.; Santos, J.P.F.; Andrade, C.H.S.; Souza, A.C.A.; Carmo, S.L.A.C.
Abstract: Nurses are a professional who acts directly in the care of women and children, so it has an indispensable role in the promotion and protection of breastfeeding through continuing education and health education that involves pregnant women and puerperal women. The present study aimed to analyze the perception of puerperia in relation to nursing behaviors on exclusive breastfeeding. Exploratory descriptive study with quantitative characteristics, developed in the Primary Care Units of Chã Grande. The sample consisted of puerperal women who attended the Basic Urban Units l, Urbano ll and Urbano lll of the municipality of Chã grande. Data were collected through an adapted questionnaire already published and validated. To create the database, Microsoft’s EXCEL program spreadsheet was used and® discussed in the light of the theoretical framework. It was found that 90% of the puerperia reported having been informed about breastfeeding. It was found that the present study shows a significant percentage of satisfaction in relation to prenatal care, as a result, there is misinformation of most puerperal women on the issues pertinent to breastfeeding. It is suggested that further studies be conducted in order to identify the difficulties encountered by health professionals for the spread of breastfeeding during the prenatal and postpartum period.
Keywords: Breastfeeding. Puerperium. Nursing care
IJS-0912 Incidence of HIV/AIDS cases in Brazil from 2015 to 2017 according to sexual orientation
Author(s): Júnior, C.B.L.; Cavalcante, R.L.S.; Bezerra, R.M.A.; Carneiro, E.B.N.; Tavares, R.F.S.; Santos, P.F.T.; Silva, M.P.; Silva, M.B.; Silva, L.A.; Souza, V.P.S.; Gabu, M.C.B.; Figuerêdo, T.D.A.; Farias, M.F.C.S.; Xavier, D.E.F.; Costa, S.L.A.; Souza, A.C.A.
Abstract: Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is a disease caused by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. Despite the diversity observed today in the general population, studies indicate large groups of vulnerability within this global epidemic, such as the population of men who have sex with men, sex workers and the population deprived of liberty. The infection represents one of the biggest public health problems in the world. The aim of this study was to describe the incidence of HIV/AIDS cases in Brazil from 2015 to 2017 according to sexual orientation. The method of work occurred through the analysis of the database of the Notifiable Diseases Information System (SINAN), the reports of AIDS notification in Brazil were evaluated, from 2015 to 2017, provided by DATASUS/Ministry of Health. The results showed that the highest incidence was in heterosexuals, totaling: n=12,973 cases reported in 2015; n=11,163 in 2016 and n=4,135 in 2017. The highest incidence of HIV/AIDS cases in Brazil from 2015 to 2017 according to sexual orientation was in heterosexuals.
Keywords: HIV prevalence serum. AIDS. Gender identity. Sexism
IJS-0913 Level of knowledge of women of childbearing age, about cervical cancer in a city in the interior of Pernambuco
Author(s): Nascimento, R.M.S.; Carneiro, K.R.C.; Oliveira, N.C.; Araújo, V.S.; Andrade, C.H.S.; Brandão, C.P.; Calazans, F.A.; Bezerra, A.A.S.; Nascimento, C.V.F.; Nascimento, V.S.; Bonnaneti, A.C.N.R.; Lopes, L.G.F.; Souza, A.C.A.; Costa, S.L.A.
Abstract: Cancer causes a high rate of morbidity and mortality in the world, following the second etiology of deaths in several countries. To evaluate the knowledge about cervical cancer of women of childbearing age registered in a Basic Health Unit of a city in the interior of Pernambuco. Cross-sectional descriptive study, with quantitative approach conducted with women of childbearing age registered in a Basic Health Unit. Most of these women 52.5% (n=31) are unaware of the concept of cervical cancer. With regard to the knowledge of uterine cancer, the analysis shows an unfamiliarity on the part of women, and it is evident that there is a failure in professional-patient communication at the time of consultation of the cytological examination, and it is then up to the nurse to perform health education, since the consultation period is a great opportunity to instruct these women.
Keywords: Women's Health. Neoplasms of the Cervix. Knowledge