Volume 4, Número 2, Ano: 2022,
ISSN: 2763-5392
IJS-1101 Child sexual abuse: identify signs and symptoms in childcare consultation and minimize psychosocial trauma
Author(s): Silva, J.M.; Lima, L.G.S.; Silva, Y.K.R.A.; Albuquerque, D.N.F.; Silva, M.P.; Silva, M.M.; Lima e Silva, V.L.C.; Silva, S.C.; Carneiro, C.D.A.; Fernandes, E.F.S.; Silva, B.R.A.; Costa, F.P.; Silva, H.B.G.; Silva, A.I.A.
Abstract: Sexual violence against children has become a major and serious public health problem, causing several psychosocial consequences in children. According to the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), "nearly one in five girls and one in 13 boys are victims of sexual abuse." This study aimed to describe the psychosocial impacts caused to children who had suffered sexual abuse. This is bibliographic research with a qualitative, descriptive approach of the narrative review type of literature. Children who are victims of sexual abuse present mainly mental health-related impairments, such as fear, difficulty sleeping, anxiety, depression and other psychopathological disorders that harm their social life. It is expected that every health professional, within his role, will be able to act for the prevention of sexual abuse, to diagnose the risk and to raise suspicion early.
Keywords: : Sexual abuse. Trauma. Childhood. Childcare.
IJS-1102 Interhaplotypic distance within the Monkeypox virus group and the phylogenetic relationship with the orthopoxvirus genus
Author(s): Santos, A.C.L.; Nascimento, I.A.; Silva, L.S.; Felix, P.T.
Abstract: In this work are used 59 haplotypes of the gene of interferon-alpha-beta receptor of Monkeypox virus, Buffalopox virus, Camelpox virus, Cowpox virus, Ectromelia virus, Rabbitpox virus, Vaccinia virus and Variola virus, recuperated the GenBank. All sequences were publicly available on the National Biotechnology Information Center (NCBI) platform. The results indicate that the methods of genetic attribution and maximum likelihood presented responses that had not been observed with the use of other methodologies. These results suggest that evolutionary actors such as the retention of ancestral polymorphism, are the responsible by the diversity among the groups studied. The Buffalopox, Ectromelia and Rabbitpox groups did not present significant structuring level and the Cowpox group presented the highest degree of haplotypic diversity. The Monkeypox group presented a poorly polymorphic pattern that, by not increasing the genetic variability of the group, also does not contribute to large variations in its protein products.
Keywords: Phylogeny, Bioinformatics, Orthopoxvirus, Monkeypox
IJS-1103 Morning-after pill: a brief report on the main public policies used in emergency contraception
Author(s): Silva, A.F.; Chaves, M.R.P.; Mendes, S.S.; Silva, D.C.; Marinho, S.S.; Melo, M.M.; Negreiros, O.C.V.; Santos, E.G.S.; Andrade, M.E.; Monteiro, H.M.S.; Ferreira, N.K.S.; Aragão, V.T.S.; Ferreira, E.D.M.; Henrique, M.K.R.
Abstract: The results of this study shed some light on the structuring of demand for the so-called "morning-after pill in health services. The differentiated demand based on socioeconomic conditions is a reflection of a reproductive behavior segmented according to structures of income inequality, opportunities in education and regional development. People with lower socioeconomic levels are most affected because they have less access to effective contraception technologies, which explains in some way the concentration of demand for emergency contraception. Public policies should aim to improve access to this method, especially for adolescents and the underprivileged, in order to guarantee the right of people to freely dispose of their own bodies on reproductive issues. For this, the deepening of the available official information is increasingly necessary.
Keywords: Emergency contraception; morning-after pill; Public health
IJS-1104 Production of COVID-19 vaccines in Brazil: major challenges in production and distribution capacity in a post-pandemic world
Author(s): Silva, D.J.V.; Silva, S.B.; Nascimento, L.M.S.; Silva, J.W.S.; Dutra, A.T.A.; Silva, E.S.; Ferreira, E.D.M.; Negreiros, O.C.V. Cabral, J.B.; Ribeiro, S.R.N.S.; Aguiar, T.J.M.; Barbosa, J.W.P.; Ferreira, V.M.M.
Abstract: In a country like Brazil, with continental dimensions and a population of 215 million inhabitants, protecting so many people and eradicating or controlling diseases is a huge challenge. After the approval of the first coronavirus vaccine by the National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) 549 million doses were distributed to all federative units. Proper communication with the population, informing the real benefits of the vaccine, its limitations and the importance of individual and collective protection is still a great challenge to be faced and trust in vaccines needs to be maintained at any cost, under penalty of putting at risk all achievements achieved in control and elimination and diseases worldwide. Strong coordination must be established between researchers, regulators, policymakers, funders, public health agencies and government, in order to ensure that vaccines continue to be opened in our country and provided to the entire population.
Keywords: Vaccination. COVID-19. Public Health. Production
IJS-1105 Importance of vaccines for individual and public health: some questions about a possible impairment in the doctor-patient relationship, caused by the reluctance of family members to vaccinate their children
Author(s): Bezerra, M.C.S.; Silva, P.H.F.; Silva, J.B.; Silva, I.M.L.; Rodrigues, A.M.A.; Andrade, J.S.; Andrade, A.B.B.; Ferreira, D.H.O.; Barboza, V.C.C.; Germano, A.J.; Alves, N.L.B.; Oliveira, D.J.; Araujo, E.F.A.; Santos, Y.I.; Branco. J.M.A.
Abstract: Despite being an investment in health with excellent cost X effectiveness, determining enormous impact on health, avoiding millions of deaths per year and increasing the expectation of acceptance of vaccines is not universal. As the number of vaccines available and their use by public health programs has increased, so has the number of people and groups who state concerns about the safety and need for vaccine application. Parents, caregivers, patients and health professionals themselves are part of these groups.
Keywords: Vaccination. Public Health. Ethics
IJS-1106 The ineffectiveness of actions to combat dengue arbovirus
Author(s): Silva, K.V.A.; Silva, G.S.; Coelho, M.L.P.; Santana, J.H.; Souza, V.L.; Carneiro, C.D.A.; Silva, R.S.; Torres, E.M.L.; Santos, C.M.; Delgado, W.S.; Marinho, V.M.C.; Pereira, M.E.S.; Serra, A.R.A.W.
Abstract: Currently, the three arboviruses of greatest importance for public health are dengue, Chikungunya and Zika virus, which are able to be transmitted by the same vector insects, Aedes Aegypti and Aedes albopictus. In Brazil, several epidemics have been reported, mainly dengue, for several years, and more recently of Chikungunya and Zika virus, and they demonstrate the presence of these vectors in different regions of the country, showing their great potential for adaptation and dispersion. This is mainly due to climatic conditions, which favor the proliferation of these vectors and the infrastructure of basic health services offered in Brazil. In the last decade, the development of vaccines and new strategies for prevention and control of vectors has been observed that can positively impact the fight against these arboviruses. In this sense, this systematic study demonstrates the importance of the clinical-epidemiological situation of these main arboviruses in circulation in Brazil, emphasizing dengue cases in the country.
Keywords: Arboviruses; Dengue; Brazil; Mosquitoes
IJS-1107 Epidemiological importance of bacterial meningitis
Author(s): Almeida, L.M.F.L.; Silva, F.L.; Calazans, F.A.; Santos, T.T.L.; Silva, B.I.; Galvão, M.E.A.; Interaminense, J.N.C.; Bacelar, C.D.S.; Nascimento, A.C.R.; Holanda, M.A.; Nascimento, A.P.C.; Oliveira, R.B.; Macedo, M.A.F.; Brandão, C.P.
Abstract: Bacterial meningitis is an infection that affects the layers that cover the central nervous system, called meninges and can be caused by viruses, fungi and bacteria, in some cases the evolution of the disease is rapid and lethal if not diagnosed and treated quickly. In Brazil it is endemic with high rate. With regard to cases of meningitis, epidemiological surveillance plays an important role in spreading information and making us understand the behavior of the disease in the population. Therefore, this study aimed to raise aspects related to the importance of the epidemiology of bacterial meningitis in Brazil, through a brief literature review. Meningitis is classified as diseases of immediate compulsory notifications and their notification should be tied to the recommendation guide established by the Ministry of Health. Such investigation is carried out with the objective of informing the clinical definition that is occurring in a given region as well as the source of infection. Above all, it is known that in Brazil there is still a lot of underreporting of cases, which causes difficulty in the collection of epidemiological data in certain regions and in the knowledge about the disease and its manifestation in the population.
Keywords: : Epidemiology; Bacterial meningitis; Central nervous system; Public health problems; Epidemiological surveillance.
IJS-1108 Resistant Bacteria Infections
Author(s): Silva, B.I.; Tavares, L.A.; Nascimento, R.S.; Silva, A.L.S.; Pimentel, B.N.T.; Silva, A.D.G.B.; Silva, I.F.; Simões, V.V.S.; Farias, M.F.C.S.; Lucena, F.S.; Arruda, R.T.S.; Melo, M.A.A.N.; Silva, L.B.; Pessoa, T.B.; Lacerda, S.D.L.
Abstract: Tuberculosis is an infectious disease where it affects thousands of people worldwide, so it is related to variable socioeconomic conditions and their transmission factors. In order to describe the main factors of the disease and the treatments offered for the care of people who have been infected and prevention. Tuberculosis is a disease that affects thousands of people around the world.
Keywords:Tuberculosis; Treatment; Contamination
IJS-1109 HPV in cervical cancer
Author(s): Santana, L.C.; Lira, V.R.S.; Bento, G.N.; Sousa, M.C.V.; Ferrão, R.S.; Silva, M.V.S.; Silva, R.S.; Silva, E.R.; Santana, M.F.B.
Abstract: HPV infection is very common; it is estimated that about 80% of sexually active women will acquire it over the course of their lives. Approximately 291 million women worldwide have HPV, and 32% are infected with subtypes 16, 18 or both. The present study is characterized as a descriptive literature review with characteristic on HPV-related complications in cervical cancer. Invasive squamous cell carcinoma is one of the most serious public health problems, especially in developing countries. For the most part, invasive cancers are preceded by lesions which remain long periods in latency, but some may have shorter preinvasive periods, as with small cell periods. In the field of public health, educational interventions in the population promote access to adequate information about HPV and prevention measures, so the important role of Primary Care and the Family Health Support Center (NASF) in Brazil stands out.
Keywords: HPV; Cancer; Cervix.
IJS-1110 Main groups of bacteria found in lab coats in health professionals
Author(s): Silva, T.C.; Silva, E.R.; Souza, M.A.S.; Santos, K.E.S.; Sousa, A.R.; Souza, J.A.B.L.; Silva, L.B.S.; Sá, R.O.L.; Carneiro, C.D.A.
Abstract: Medical lab coats can carry harmful bacteria some of them resistant to medications, associated with hospital infections. It is important to point out that in health services, especially the area of urgency and emergency, most of the accidents involving health professionals, due to the lack of adoption of biosafety standards. This is a review of the descriptive literature with characteristic about the main groups of bacteria found in lab coats in health professionals. Of the infections related to health care, they are infections in the respiratory tract, urinary tract and infections in the bloodstream, which can increase this number up to 60% of cases. The research confirms that the clothing used by health professionals, as a potential means of transmission, despite being mandatory.
Keywords: Health professionals; microbiology; PPE
IJS-1111 Risks and benefits of blood transfusion in Brazil and worldwide
Author(s): Arcoverde, M.E.B.; Silva, E.J.S.; Tavares, L.A.; Santana, J.H.; Souza, V.L.; Silva, E.R.; Santos, T.T.L.; Silva, M.K.; Silva, B.F.; Filho, D.P.S.; Olegario, K.I.B.C.N.; Silva, R.A.; Amorim, A.M.S.; Costa, C.L.
Abstract: Transfusion is the medical act of transferring a blood or blood components (blood plasma, platelets, red blood cells and leukocytes from a donor to the circulatory system of a recipient. Transfusion is often used in surgical interventions, trauma, gastrointestinal bleeding or in other cases where there has been a large loss of blood. This study is based on a systematic review of the literature, using scientific articles with high scientific basis for a better understanding of the discussion. It was based on articles related to the proposed theme, where the following platforms were used for data collection; SciELO, Google Scholar, PubMed and DATASUS. Transfusion is defined as an intravenous therapy with whole blood or with blood components, depending on the availability and indication of transfusion. It is of paramount importance to know the care that guide blood transfusion and the possible complications that this therapeutic practice can bring to the patient. In this context, it can be concluded that blood transfusion is a technique that has become safer and more effective over time, due to new techniques created such as separation of blood components and serological testing so that there is a decrease in disease transmission.
Keywords: Hemotherapy; Blood transfusion; Blood donation
IJS-1112 Indiscriminate use of antimicrobials
Author(s): Silva, L.M.L.; Ramos, V.P.R.S.; Silva, L.M.G.; Paraizo, J.L.M.; Silva, A.S.; Galindo, M.C.F.; Arruda, C.A.; Barbosa, M.P.S.; Silva, L.E.N.J.; Silva, L.S.; Nascimento, D.L.; Pereira, J.S.; Filho, J.F.S.; Soares, J.J.G.S.; Silva, F.R.V.F.
Abstract: The present article aims to discuss the indiscriminate use of antimicrobials, since it occurs when these drugs are used for the treatment of infections, which are not caused by bacteria. Assess the risks caused by the inappropriate use of antimicrobials in people. It is observed the misuse of antibiotics for the treatment of infections and variations in the sensitivity of bacteria in the face of these medications. Bacterial resistance, addressed by the indiscriminate use of antimicrobials is a public health issue, due to the increase in morbidity and mortality worldwide. The country has been trying to soften the free sale of medicines, preventing ineffective use from competing for the bacterial resistance process.
Keywords: Antimicrobials. Infections. Microorganism.
IJS-1113 Analysis of the epidemiological profile of abandonment to tuberculosis treatment
Author(s): Silva, J.C.; Silva, M.P.A.; Carneiro, C.D.A.; Nascimento, C.V.F.; Silva, J.G.L.; Queiroz, W.A.S.; Costa, A.R.; Lira, I.R.A.S.; Sobrinho, J.P.A.; Torres, E.M.L.; Silva, M.V.; Silva, E.R.; Souza, A.C.A.
Abstract: Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease. The main route of transmission is the inhalator pathway, and the lung, the main organ, is attacked. Mycobacterium Tuberculosis as etiological agent. The aim of this study was to describe the epidemiological profile of the abandonment of tuberculosis treatment. This is an epidemiological study of the descriptive retrospective type, whose data were collected through the secondary database of the Notifiable Diseases Information System (SINAN). Approximately 7.88% of cases had treatment abandonment as evolution. The male sex reached 73.07%,The municipality was Recife, with 53.50%,The brown race with 59.72% was the most observed, the age group was 20-39 years, was the most prevalent with 59.04%. Schooling represents 15.83% of the 5th to 8th incomplete grade. We conclude that the abandonment of tuberculosis treatment needs to be seen as something relevant, aiming to achieve the reduction of abandonment rates.
Keywords: Abandonment; Tuberculosis; Treatment
IJS-1114 Verification of prenatal indices and indicators in primary health care: a database analysis
Author(s): Baracho, S.T.; Lima, B.S.; Ferreira, A.J.S.; Almeida, R.M.S.; Nascimento, C.V.S.; Silva, M.C.S.; Carneiro, E.B.N.; Carneiro, C.D.A.; Ferreira, M.E.A.; Souza, A.C.A.
Abstract: Prenatal care is essential for risk reduction, prevention of pathologies and promotion of women's and children's health. The objective of this research was to verify prenatal quality indexes and indicators in the city of Recife/PE. This is a cross-sectional, quantitative, descriptive study with secondary data obtained through the Primary Care Information System (SISAB), an approach on prenatal indices. A total of 24,436 prenatal consultations were recorded from 2019 to 2021 in the municipality of Recife. The year 2019 obtained the highest number of records with 35%. Regarding the frequency of prenatal consultations performed, with 87%. It was possible to notice a considerable reduction in the number of prenatal consultations compared to 2019 to 2021. Thus, we conclude that the participation of a multidisciplinary team contributes to the constant improvement of care planning, involving care for pregnant women.
Keywords: Assistance; Pregnancy; Prenatal care; Prevention
IJS-1115 Pathological Aspects of Emphysmatic COPD and The Performance of Respiratory Physiotherapy: a Review
Author(s): Filho, E.S.M.S.; Lima, D.S.; Moura, I.A.O.; Nascimento, E.R.S.; Oliveira, J.C.; Farias, M.F.C.S.; Alvares, P.N.R.C.; Barbosa, M.P.B.; Araújo, C.I.C.; Souza, A.C.A.
Abstract: Emphysematous COPD is an irreversible clinical condition characterized by lesions that occur based on the structure of pulmonary acids, resulting in a hyper alveolar insufflation that causes difficulties in the process of pulmonary hematosis. Physiotherapy has as priority to soften the clinical picture, providing improvement in gas exchange, through respiratory therapeutic exercise programs. Present the pathological characteristics of pulmonary emphysema and the performance of respiratory physiotherapy. And to address the main factors that are related to the onset and pathological progression of emphysemic COPD and the performance of physiotherapy in the treatment of these patients. The pathophysiological interactions presented in this article clarify the understanding of biological and pathological factors included in the development of the disease, besides highlighting the benefits provided by respiratory physiotherapy, improving the pulmonary hematosis process, delaying the action of the disease and promoting respiratory and systemic well-being to the patient of the disease.
Keywords: COPD, Pulmonary emphysema, Respiratory Physiotherapy
IJS-1116 Functional capacity of an individual with Chagas disease submitted to a program of resistance exercises: a case study
Author(s): Xavier, R.B.; Silva, H.C.S.; Rodrigues, T.O.; Correia, D.A.; Albuquerque, D.N.F.; Torres, E.M.L.; Santos, L.D.; Silva, B.E.S.; Bonnaneti, A.C.N.R.; Nunes, M.G.S.; Rodrigues, R.C.F.; Filho, E.A.R.; Almeida, A.H.S.
Abstract: The present study aimed to evaluate the performance in activities of daily living in individuals with Chagas disease in the pre- and post-program phases of resistance exercises. A case study was conducted with a patient (female, 64 years old, 68 kg, 153 cm) with Chagas disease. After a clinical medical evaluation, it was submitted to an anthropometric evaluation. The physical exercise program lasted five weeks, in which the patient was submitted to a resistance training program. Before and after the exercise program, the Autonomy of Functional Capacity was evaluated through the GDLAM Protocol. Descriptive statistics were used to present the results. The data were analyzed using the Software Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS, version 22.0) for Windows. The results showed that in the initial evaluation, the patient did not obtain satisfactory GDLAM indices. After the training program, there was a small improvement in the times of the GDLAM protocol regarding the LPS test (Getting up from the sitting position) where at the beginning the patient obtained the time of 19.1s and after 13.0s, in the LPDV (Rising from the ventral decubitus position) at the beginning 06.5s and after 04.9s, in the LCLC (Getting up from the chair and getting around the house) at the beginning 67.9s and after 56.7s, the C10m test (Walking 10 meters) was the only one that kept the same result where at the beginning we obtained the time 07.7s and repeated the time after the resistance training program. Further studies with a larger number of individuals with this pathology are suggested to identify the magnitude and influence of resistance exercise on the functional capacity of people living with Chagas disease.
Keywords: Chagas disease. Functional Capacity. Resistance Training
IJS-1117 View on obstetric violence in the Unified Health System (SUS)
Author(s): Barros, S.P.M.; Farias, M.F.C.S.; Torres, E.M.L.; Carneiro, C.D.A.; Bezerra, R.M.A.; Lima, L.S.; Silva, E.M.; Araújo, C.I.C.; Silva, M.L.A.; Silva, E.R.; Costa, C.L.; Lacerda, S.D.L.; Oliveira, A.L.G.; Amorim, A.C.
Abstract: It can be affirmed that due to what was observed, Obstetric violence is seen with any disrespectful, inhuman, negligent or abusive act towards the mother and the newborn who consequently may suffer from causes and damages and/or physical and physical treatment. This is a comprehensive review of the literature using the Nursing Database (BDENF) and the Science Electronic Library Online (SciELO) and the Virtual Health Library (VHL/LILACS).
Keywords: Postpartum period; public health; SUS; Obstetric violence
IJS-1118 Knowledge of nurses working in the emergencies of general hospitals on evaluation and conduct in psychiatric emergencies: integrative review
Author(s): Araújo, S.S.S.; Queiroz, M.D.B.; Santos, M.L.S.; Silva, J.M.; Silva, A.C.S.; Prado, A.M.; Santos, I.S.S.; Santos, N.P.S.; Silva, E.K.L.; Silva, E.R.; Albuquerque, P.M.F.S.; Morais, P.B.; Lima, M.S.A.
Abstract: The emergence of the Psychosocial Care Network allowed general hospitals to become doors for psychiatric emergencies in Brazil. However, there are still obstacles in the provision of care to patients in psychiatric settings, with a dehumanized approach by part and of professionals working in emergency services of general hospitals. The study aimed to analyze the knowledge of nurses working in the emergencies of general hospitals about evaluation and conduct in psychiatric emergencies. The years 2010 and 2019 concentrated the largest number of publications with predominance of descriptive publications with a qualitative approach. The nurses had little knowledge about the approach to patients in psychiatric crisis in emergencies. It was confirmed the need for training and sensitization of professionals working in general hospitals to change practices and postures and the need for greater investments in studies in this area in order to enable the planning of actions.
Keywords: Mental health; Emergence care; General Hospital; Nurse
IJS-1119 Aspects related to the management of Cardiorespiratory Arrest in patients suspected or confirmed for COVID-19
Author(s): Lima, K.R.S.; Silva, J.M.; Santana, L.C.; Carneiro, C.D.A.; Santos, J.C.C.; Silva, J.M.; Pereira, A.K.N.; Costa, C.L.; Costa, A.R.; Lima, M.S.A.
Abstract: Given the pandemic situation of the new coronavirus, cardiorespiratory arrest becomes a huge challenge for the entire multidisciplinary team, bringing extra risks to health professionals. This study aimed to present the aspects related to the management of cases of Cardiorespiratory Arrest in patients suspected or confirmed for COVID-19. This was an integrative review where the collection was carried out at the Virtual Health Library during March 2021. We identified 17 articles and, after selective and exploratory reading, 08 articles were selected to make up the study sample. Care for patients suspected or confirmed for COVID-19 follows national and international protocols and guidelines. Changes in professional Para mentation, early defibrillation and care were observed in the performance of chest compressions and ventilation. It is necessary to encourage the permanent education of health teams in order to improve the quality of care and enable these protective measures for professionals.
Keywords: Cardiopulmonary resuscitation; Cardiac arrest; COVID-19.