Volume 2, Número 3, Ano: 2021,
ISSN: 2763-5392
IJS-0603 The educational proposal to support sustainable development and its impacts for rural education
Gilmara Maria de Almeida; Maria Eduarda da Silva Souza; Aldo José Irineu Filho; Juliana Georgia da Silva; Pedro Eduardo Santos Silva; Julia Graziele da Silva; Tayna Guilherme Santiago Moreira; Cleoneide Carvalho dos Santos; Ione Teresinha Oliveira Leitão; Edvaldo Pedro da Silva; Juceli Gomes de Queiroz; Adla Polayne Barbosa da Silva; Antonio João Paulino; Marcos Vinícius Alves da Silva; Rute França de Almeida
Abstract: Field education has become a national public policy built and defended by social movements. In this process of recognition several experiences were being implemented by the states and municipalities, such as the experience of the Landless Movement (MST), Agricultural Family Schools, Active School and the Basic Education Movement. Based on these, we seek to analyze the contribution of the educational proposal to support sustainable development for the implementation of the field education policy at the local level. The study will be based on bibliographical research from the theorists ARROYO, CALDART, MOLINA, MANÇANO, MOURA and SOUZA, making analysis specifically of the booklet "Multiple Looks of a Pedagogical Walk" systematization of the experience experienced in the municipalities of Vicência, Pombos and Orobó. In this sense, we took the Educational Proposal to Support Sustainable Development (PEADS) for analysis, with regard to theoretical bases and philosophical principles. We want to understand how this proposal has been impacting and influencing the education of the field at the local level, therefore, we consider that the education of the field is part of the need to have an educational policy that turns to the specificities of the peoples of the field, valuing and enhancing their cultures.
Keywords: Field education. PEADS. Educational Policy
IJS-0604 Combating and preventing Cyberbullying: a review of the literature between 2010 and 2020
Alana Anastacia Gonçalves Bayma; Bruno Brandão Pereira Machado; Gleysson Paulino Farias da Silva; Mayara Cristy Gonçalves Silva; Pierre Teodosio Felix
Abstract: Bullying, once a behavior of contact relationships, was reconfigured by amplied socialization in the virtual sphere, where the attack can occur at any time and without physical delimitation, leading to cyberbullying. A global phenomenon that affects different cultures and contexts. Its characteristic is a digital version of violence with an individual or group of people and consists of an act committed aggressively and intentionally using technology to threaten, humiliate, besmirch, of affect good coexistence; shaking mental health and, often, the physical integrity of the victim(s). Causing suicide attempts, social and emotional problems, psychoactive substance abuse, anxiety and depression. This article aims to carry out bibliographic research, based on scholars who have relevant knowledge on the subject, as well as linked files in digital media. And the intention of analyzing the subject in a qualitative and theoretical way in order to understand the phenomenon in question and present the possible consequences of the practice of this act, as well as ways to prevent it.
Keywords: Internet. Bullying. Cyberbullying. Virtual Violence.
IJS-0605 Identification of targets for antifungal drugs and vaccines: a literature review
Cláudio Junyo dos Santos; Maria Vitória Lins da Silva; Pâmela Karolayne Rodrigues Barbosa; Marta Gabriely de Arruda Ribeiro; Elianay Silva Lima; Paulo César Barbosa de Brito Filho; Edilene Maria da Silva; Bruna de Vasconcelos Dias; Josslayne de Oliveira Albuquerque; Elymax Miquéias Lima Teodosio dos Santos; Mayara Luciana Arruda da Silva; Vitória Ramires dos Santos Lira; Ana Cláudia Barbosa de Morais; Maria Clara Bezerra Gabu; Tamires Eduarda Ferreira Salvino; Fábio Abel de Carvalho
Abstract: Fungi, viruses and bacteria are microorganisms that can cause some pathologies in the body of humans. These pathologies can be treated or prevented, respectively, by antifungal drugs and vaccines. This study aimed to make a bibliographic review on the targets for antifungal drugs and vaccines, in view of the relevance of this theme, not only within the pharmaceutical area, but for health in general. Infectious processes caused by microorganisms, especially by fungal species, are very frequent in our country, because some regions have a tropical climate. Pathogenic microorganisms are distinguished from others of the same species by possessing and expressing genes that encode virulence factors. It is important to protect the patient through immunization, which acts in the prevention of the pathology, and through antifungals that represent a kind of barrier against their targets.
Keywords: Pharmacy; Drugs; Fungus; Medication.
IJS-0606 Food toxicology and consumer health harm: a review
Dallynne Barbara Ramos Venancio; Marcelo Arthur Dias da Costa Santana; Ewerton de Carvalho Nascimento; Hildenê de Jesus Oliveira; Marcelo Francisco Galdino da Silva; Ariany Rebeka Salgado da Silva; Maria Eduarda da Silva Torres; Cristiane de Oliveira Vasconcelos; Andriele Lais da Silva Xavier; Maria Paula de Lima Silva; Nataly Luzinete Ferreira; Maria Eduarda Barbosa da Silva; Maria Eduarda Nery da Silva; Elianay Silva Lima; Janequele Tavares da Silva; Patrícia Barbosa de Morais
Abstract: Food Toxicology studies the toxicity of food-bound substances, determining the presence, concentration and origin of the chemical in food, factors that influence its appearance and reversibility, as well as the harmful effects on consumer health. This is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach, carried out through a bibliographic survey related to the theme "Food toxicology: food additives". Most foods of plant or animal origin deteriorate easily, losing quality with consequent decrease in shelf life. Companions of preservatives, antioxidants are substances that delay the appearance of oxidative changes in food. Most of these products contain food additives, mainly dyes, preservatives and artificial antioxidants, which can bring health risks. It is important to point out that information about the risks and dangers of food additives in doses above that recommended by the National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) should be passed on to the population, which is often unaware of the effects caused on human health.
Keywords: Toxicology. Additives. Food. Consumer health.
IJS 0607 Steroid use and its adverse effects: a review
Kleiverson de Oliveira Silva; Alicya Beatriz de Santana Pereira; Paulo César Barbosa de Brito Filho; Joana Bulhões Alvares da Silva; José Ricardo de França Silva; Cláudio Junyo dos Santos; Noályta Maelly da Silva; Vitória Lanuza Cavalcanti de Lima e Silva; Marcelo Francisco Galdino da Silva; Elionay Gomes dos Santos Silva; Tatiana Jaqueline Moreira dos Santos Mota; Luana Carla dos Santos; Danyel Gomes Teixeira de Freitas; Danilo Augusto Ferreira Fontes
Abstract: Still scarce the theme of steroid hormones, anabolic androgenic and derived from testosterone, are tasked with a succession of organic consequences, which can be gathered into anabolic and androgenic. Anabolic effects stimulate the growth of mass, muscle strength and protein synthesis, while androgenic effects lead to the development of manly aspects. These steroid hormones, because they have lipid status, easily surpass the cell membrane until it reaches the DNA nucleus, producing high expression of the genes charged for the synthesis of actin and myosin. The exacerbated use in the consumption of these substances is growing surprisingly among young people and adults, who make use simply with the aim of improving the physical appearance. Where this hormone can cause long- or short-term problems, from continued doses, steroids can lead to complications in healthy people. They can also cause several side effects from prostate cancer, coronary heart disease, liver cancer, and several others.
Keywords: Hormones. Anabolic steroids. Consumption.
IJS-0608 The textbook and the treatment of ethnic-racial issues in the school space
Lúbia Maria de Sousa; Juliana Georgia da Silva; Jailton José de Santana; Ione Teresinha Oliveira Leitão; Edvaldo Pedro da Silva; Eduardo Henrique da Silva Melo; Weslainy Margarida da Silva; Wesley Luiz da Silva Pereira; Danilo Gomes da Silva; Juceli Gomes de Queiroz; Marcos Vinícius Alves Da Silva; Adla Polayne Barbosa da Silva
Abstract: Brazil is a multicultural and multiethnic country, formed by several indigenous ethnic groups, by the presence of Europeans and Africans, among other peoples. That is, by a multiverse of cultures, ethnicities and peoples. Therefore, our punctual concern with this article is to understand how this diversity occurs within what we call the school and what tools are available to the teacher so that it can denaturalize prejudice and combat ethnic-racial discrimination present in teaching-learning contexts. It is in school, important and central place of socialization, that people begin to deepen contact with the "other", thus characterizing themselves with a privileged space to develop critical dialogue about the fact that the maintenance of forms of prejudice and ethnic-racial discrimination acts as a denial of the human rights of the black population. The work aims to analyze how this textbook approach is approached to ethnic-racial issues. This is a study with data collection from secondary sources, through a bibliographic survey and based on the experience experienced by the authors at the time of an integrative review. For the survey of articles in the literature, a search was conducted in the following databases: Latin American and Caribbean Literature on Health Sciences (LILACS) and Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO). It is essential to think about how blacks arrived in Brazil for a better compression of prejudice and discrimination suffered by this population today. This arrival occurred around the sixteenth century, in the historical context of colony Brazil, being the first blacks here brought here by the Portuguese (from other Portuguese colonies on the African continent) to perform slave labor. Working on rural properties, these populations performed heavy tasks that required a lot of physical effort and belonged to the lowest social class in society. It is understood that in the school space there is prejudice and discrimination in relation to race, culture, religion, in short, in relation to the various social markers of difference present in our society. the National Curriculum Guidelines of Education highlight the importance of training teachers oriented to the deconstruction of prejudiced and discriminatory practices in schools, highlighting the importance of creating didactic subsidies that help them in the task of bringing to students the recognition and appreciation of the ethnic and cultural diversity of Brazilian society. It is understood that the practice of prejudice and discrimination in the educational process is tied to little discussion about the importance of cultural diversity not only in textbooks, but also in teacher training courses and in the daily performance of the teacher in the classroom. Thus, we show that the contents addressed in the aforementioned book differ from some considerations related to the objectives of the National Textbook Plan, because according to the PNDL, the contents of the textbook should positively promote Afro-Brazilian culture, making visible its values, traditions, organizations and socio-scientific knowledge, considering its rights and participation in different historical processes. Coming to the end of these considerations, we are left with a series of questions that we intend to develop them in future research, we would like to reinforce finally, is that we believe it is extremely important to address ethnic-racial issues in the daily life of the school. Only in this way can we denaturalize prejudice in order to problematize ways of combating ethnic-racial discrimination present in teaching-learning contexts.
Keywords: Textbook. Ethnic-racial discrimination. Education.
IJS-0609 Visual literacy of the deaf for science teaching
Wanderson Cleyton da Silva; Shirleide Maria de Oliveira; Bárbara Rafaela da Silva Dias; Juliana Georgia da Silva; Ana Jhoice de Santana Ferreira; Polyane Maria da Silva; Bruna Iasmim dos Santos Pompéia; Diego Filipe da Silva; Weslainy Margarida da Silva; Adla Polayne Barbosa da Silva; Juceli Gomes de Queiroz; Marcos Vinícius Alves da Silva
Abstract: When a child is inserted in school, it becomes literate with letters and numbers, which later serve as the basis for the construction of words and texts. Visual literacy helps the child to be literate at first in his/her language: pounds (Brazilian sign language) for soon after learning a new language. With interactive practices and effective methodologies, visual literacy in science teaching has suffered a great scarcity, due to the lack of visual materials signaled from some programmed content, due to this need for resources the teacher has seen this as a great challenge. As a key of this transformation process, adopting other resources to help in their classes, but some students feel the need for interpretation in some concepts, because they have not been literate in sign language. It is essential, therefore, to conduct an investigation on how to produce and/or adapt materials/resources making accessible and establishing guidelines in the realization of a new conception of teaching learning aimed at deaf students. This paper seeks to know practices that can serve as instruments for deaf students. To understand how these resources can adapt in the school context, this study sought to understand what visual literacy is in an inclusive and large-scale perspective and how these resources emerge and strengthen in communication accessibility. Therefore, the importance of reviewing articles, books and magazines that address the theme studied and also the linguistic context that involves the process of teaching and learning the student with deafness in the discipline of science, this one, takes place in his first language (Libras) and this device matters to changes in concepts and roles within the educational environment aimed at a bilingual proposal, in which students, educators and managers are main actors in decision-making aimed at true social and school inclusion.
Keywords: Literacy. Teaching. Deaf education.
IJS-0610 Twenty years of ethnic-racial relations in the National High School Exam - ENEM (1998-2018)
Tuca Henrique Verçosa Carneiro de Andrade; Juceli Gomes de Queiroz; Eduardo Henrique da Silva Melo; Paolla Ribeiro Lima; Pedro Eduardo Santos Silva; Adla Polayne Barbosa da Silva; Renata dos Santos Mélo; Marcos Vinícius Alves Da Silva; Romualdo Arthur Ferreira de Lima; Paulo Manoel da Silva; Elias Ancelmo, Taynara Bezerra dos Santos
Abstract: The field of education is a field of constant disputes; disputes around educational principles, methodologies, curricula, among others. Increasingly, new subjects begin to emerge in historical narratives (in addition to kings and emperors), with the works of historians, who began to care about ordinary people and not just as the "great" facts and the "great" events. The present work aims to discuss the twenty years of ethnic-racial relations in the National High School Exam - ENEM, from 1998 to 2018. This is a study with data collection from secondary sources, through bibliographic survey in the following databases: Google Academic and Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO). The ENEM, created in 1998, until 2009, was directed to evaluate the knowledge and skills of students who had just left high school, aiming to make an evaluation of Brazilian basic education. We analyzed 1069 questions of the ENEM, of which 29 were selected because they contemplate the theme to which we propose to analyze in this work. We believe that the ENEM can also be another strategy for overcoming racism in Brazil to be intensely discussed and promoted in basic education.
Keywords: ENEM. Ethnic-racial relations. Racism.
IJS-0611 Domestic violence: a review on the impact in women's lives and child development
Antônio Emanoel da Silva; Camila Gouveia de Oliveira Moura; Marcela Eduarda Gomes de Arruda; Maria Beatriz Albuquerque Moura; Natália Diógenes da Silva; Nicolas Gabriel Tavares Luna de Oliveira; Tamara Laís de Oliveira Barbosa
Abstract: Domestic violence is recurrent worldwide; we can highlight brazil. The family context is one of the first places of socialization in which the human being is presented, several factors can influence their interpersonal relationships, negatively or not, that is, a healthy and harmonious environment generates healthy individuals. Violence in the family context is configured as physical and psychological aggressions that cause many damages to victims, mostly female and infant-juvenile audiences, not limited to social classes. The normalization of these acts is very worrying, since they generate losses, such as patterns of violent conduct, economic and emotional dependence, anxiety, depression, stress, problems of self-control and concentration, among others. Therefore, in this study, data were collected through bibliographic research of national authors, aiming to better understand the consequences that domestic violence generates in the lives of victims.
Keywords: Domestic violence. Psychological. Child development. Family.
IJS-0612 Phytotherapic medication toxity index: a literature review
Ana Beatriz Queiroz de Souza; Sidrielly Cecilia Clarice de Assunção; Maria Karollyne dos Santos Paiva; Bruna Gabriela Lacerda; Stéfani Gomes da Silva; Raynara Rutielly Alexandre Mendonça; Isabela Natália Arcanjo Mendes; Lorena Daphine Pessoa Santos; Igor Gabriel de Souza Gomes; Ewerton de Carvalho Nascimento; Maria Clara Bezerra Gabu; Lucielma Barbosa de Souza Oliveira
Abstract: The use of herbal medicines as a form of relief and treatment of diseases is a widely used practice and this culture remains included in modern medicine to this day. The potential toxicity of each plant is specific, as each plant can express a different pharmacological effect. To assist in this issue, FIOCRUZ's National Toxic-Pharmacological Information System (SINITOX) has as its main attribution to coordinate the collection, compilation, analysis and dissemination of cases of intoxication and poisoning reported in the country. This study aims to describe the toxicity, effects and undesirable reactions of herbal medicines through the literature review. The study is defined as a systematic review of the literature based on bibliographic research through articles and scientific publications of reference in the area between the years 2012 and 2021. According to Freitas and Mendonça in 2019 reported that there is fear among doctors at the time of prescription due to side effects. There are few reports of herbal poisoning, caused by self-medication, low quality product and high dosages. And, as a way to reduce the risks to the population, the Ministry of Health (MS) reported 71 species of medicinal plants in the list of National List of Medicinal Plants being governed by the SUS. In Brazil, there has been a gradual guarantee of access to medicines and their rational use, especially herbal medicines. Including a series of drug-focused procedures needed to promote, prevent and restore individual and collective health.
Keywords: Phytotherapic medication; Medicinal Plants; Pharmaceutical Assistance; Intoxication
IJS-0613 Democracy and the new High School
Tuca Henrique Verçosa Carneiro de Andrade; Maria Eduarda Verçosa Carneiro de Andrade; Ione Teresinha Oliveira Leitão
Abstract: The Reform of High School, although part of a moment of democratic rupture in our country, is part of a much greater conjuncture, that of neoliberalism. Globalization is responsible for a process of structural changes in society, in labor relations and in the capacity of the State to promote public policies for the guarantee of social rights. It is possible to analyze the Reform of High School and its economic view of education from different angles. The present work seeks to smooth the reform of high school in the light of neoliberal reforms in education from the bias of professionalization, curriculum and democracy. This is a study with data collection from secondary sources, through bibliographic survey in the following databases: Google Academic and Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO). In Brazil, neoliberal proposals for education begin to gain ground in the period of the business-military dictatorship, but it is from the New Republic that these ideas gain strength, including in left-wing governments. The constitution of high school after retirement is divided into two parts: a part common to all, which extends through the three years of high school, having as compulsory subjects in the three years only Portuguese, Mathematics and English, being complemented by the other subjects in a non-compulsory way in the three years. The curricular homogenization proposed by the BNCC, which determines not only what should be seen in the room, but also the order, the form and the days, are only justified from the logic of control. There is always resistance, there are always resignifications and adaptations at the local level, where these policies effectively materialize. It is on the classroom floor that policies are, or are not, put into practice.
Keywords: High school reform. Neoliberalism. Curriculum. Democracy. Professionalization.
IJS-0614 Bacterial resistance in intensive care units: a review
Camila Gomes Teotônio da Silva; Larissa Rozalina Cavalcanti do Nascimento; Maria Luisa Souza Vilar; Beatriz Alessandra de Moura Alves; Ione Teresinha Oliveira Leitão; Bráulio Wagner Correia da Silva; Brunna Karolline Carvalho de Vasconcelos; Kayllane Beatriz Tenório da Silva; Letícia Andressa de Souza Moura; Luana dos Santos Silva; Milena Silva de Medeiros; Edson André Batista; José Lucas da Silva Moura
Abstract: Hospital infections (HI) are related to hospitalization and can be defined when the incubation period of the pathogen causing the infection is unknown and there is no clinical evidence or laboratory data of infection at the time of hospitalization or after 72 hours of hospital admission of the patient. Thus, this research aims to demonstrate the main bacterial resistance strains against antimicrobials in the ICU environment. A narrative literature review was conducted for retrospective observational study. The literary findings demonstrated that there is a diversity in pharmacological treatment, however with the indiscriminate use of these bacteria have naturally gained resistances, especially in the ICU. Epidemiological data showed that the percentage of these resistances are high and that they can bring expenses of very high people with money for the health of the affected population. This requires more elaborate interventions to prevent and control such infections within the ICU.
Keywords: Bacterial pharmaco-resistance; Hospital Infection; Therapeutic Measures.
IJS-0615 Portuguese language teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic: a new look at the educational and evaluative methodologies employed in a remote context
Tuca Henrique Verçosa Carneiro de Andrade; Eduarda Albuquerque de Moura; Vinícius Albuquerque de Souza, Ione Teresinha Oliveira Leitão
Abstract: Covid-19 soon spread around the world, being elevated to pandemic status in March 2020 by the World Health Organization (WHO) and, in the same month, had its first case registered in Brazil. Considering the high rate of transmissibility and the lack of effective treatments against the disease, the only really efficient measure of virus control, for now, was to keep the population in quarantine. The present work aims to analyze the educational and evaluative methodologies used in a remote context in Portuguese language teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic. We had a scenario of educational crisis, considering that the majority of students, discouraged, did not attend classes assiduously, in addition to low participation in synchronous classes – which resulted in more lectures than dialogic classes. Regarding asynchronous activities, we found that a considerable portion did not do them and, in evaluative contexts, we have repeatedly witnessed cases of queue, in which we attribute to the fact that teachers did not reinvent their evaluative activities in an attempt to implement in remote teaching the same style of proof implemented in the classroom teaching.
Keywords: Remote teaching; Evaluation; Methodology; Literacy.
IJS-0616 The importance of the professional Psychologist in hospital emergencies in Brazil
Alexsandra Alves Bezerra de Lima; Elaine Cristina da Silva Gomes Ferreira; Evelly Beatriz Honório de Lima; Maria Jose da Silva Mendes; Natalia da Silva Santos; Veridiana Maria da Silva; Pierre Teodosio Felix
Abstract: In the hospital emergency department, daily routines of situations resulting from accidents of various orders are lived; unexpected and consequences for patients and family members. Among these, sadness, fear and uncertainties stand out. These consequences, which are also experienced by the team of professionals who work in the emergency room, are factors that alter emotions; drawing special attention to the work of the professional psychologist in hospital emergency. In this study, a series of compilations of several databases composed of national and international authors were used to show the importance of the Psychologist in hospital emergency.
Keywords: Emergency. Hospital Psychology. Psychologist
IJS-0617 The impact of self-medication on pandemic times of COVID-19
Anna Gabrielly Souza Silva; Elenilson José dos Santos ; Érica Karina de França Silva ; Giceli Lima da Silva ; Itamar de Moura Junior ; Jéssica Winely Batista da Silva ; Larissa Santos Almeida Maria Eduarda Barros Arcoverde ; Maria Eduarda da Silva Barbosa; Thamirys Vitória Oliveira da Silva; Larissa Rozalina Cavalcanti do Nascimento; Rafaela Greta Bezerra dos Santos Silva; Edilson Barbosa da Costa; Matheus Belo da Silva; Aluízio Amaro Fidelis Júnior
Abstract: The irrational use of medicines causes a warning sign for the social and economic impacts that are extremely worrying, as they cause serious problems for the health system in general. The objective of this work is to improve the practice of self-medication in the COVID-19 pandemic period. The research was carried out through a systematic review of scientific articles, using the platforms of SciELO, Google Academic and PubMed. Thus, it is perceived that the influence suffered by the population in the practice of self-medication is very great, especially for the part that presents a greater difficulty in accessing the health media, the power of the media that works in the dissemination of released selling drugs is very incisive. In this context, the study demonstrates that during the pandemic the uncontrolled consumption of drugs incorrectly increased. The practice of self-medication took on the alleged treatments for COVID-19.
Keywords: Self-medication. Pandemic. COVID-19. Intoxication.
IJS-0618 Unveiling post-traumatic stress disorder: a literature review
Amanda de Oliveira Santos; Ariel Luz Ferreira Soares; Halison Diego Tavares da Silva; Jamesson Silva dos Santos; Lucas Gabriell Pereira da Silva; Welleson Henrike Ferreira da Silva; Pierre Teodosio Felix
Abstract: This disorder affects approximately 15% to 20% of people who have experienced traumatic events. So to say, it is a predominant disease that is worthy of importance. Posttraumatic stress disorder is an anxiety disorder determined by a series of physical, mental and emotional evidence that can appear up to 6 months after a traumatic event or experience in the patient's life. It usually consists of repeated and irrepressible memories of occurrences for at least 1 month. Tiny or even trivial stimuli can awaken memories that resurface with all the intensity and clarity of the originating event. This memory is usually triggered by stimuli associated with traumatic episode, starting from the most typical to the most common. Therefore, even a considerably safe environment can become dangerous because people can never be sure that they will not feel any stimulus that will cause the unpleasant emotional experience. Symptoms associated with recurrences of trauma are linked to notable restlessness, concussions, and most victims try to avoid this pain and stay away from any stimulus that may provoke the traumatic memory cycle. In this context, in this research, the data were collected from a bibliographic survey of several authors in many databases.
Keywords: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Disturbance. Trauma.
IJS-0619 Benefits of dance in the quality of life of people with depression: a systematic review
Givaldo José dos Santos; Valdir Eneias de Melo; Cleiton Cavalcanti do Nascimento; Morgana Gabriela dos Santos Lima Bressiani
Abstract: Dance, which today is a physical activity, emerged as a form of entertainment for primitive peoples. Through its people have always sought pleasure. Today dance is recognized as an important source of quality of life, promotes social interaction, brings psychological benefits and is a potential factor related to increasing people's life expectancy. The general objective of this study is to identify in the scientific literature studies conducted on the benefits of dance for the quality of life of people with depression and the main findings that can be extracted from the current literature on such benefits, considering studies conducted in the last 10 (ten) years. The study also brings specific objectives, namely: quantitatively analyzing, in the scientific field, the interest on the relationship of dance with improvement of depression; briefly know the history of dance; know concepts and basic aspects for understanding what depression is, understand the importance of the adoption of a pleasurable physical activity for people with depression. The study adopts the method of systematic review of the literature in the electronic database Latin American and Caribbean Literature on Health Sciences (Lilacs), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) and National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health (Medline/PubMed), through the search for the descriptors: "dance", "depression", "quality of life", with the use of the logical operator "and" or "e" to make the combination of terms in the results. The inclusion criteria are the studies that have been published in Brazil in the last 10 (ten) years that have the associated descriptors present in the title and/or abstract. The results obtained add up to 4 articles in the LILAS library, no articles in the PUBMED library and 2 articles in SCIELO, one of which is repeated to lilacs. The identified studies investigate varied themes in which depression is one of the factors evaluated, that is, directly the relationship between dance and depression was not identified in the literature, however, in the studies in which it was analyzed along with other factors and pathologies, the results of dance for depression proved beneficial, suggesting that the theme is more studied, mainly in research in the areas of physical education and health.
Keywords: Dance. Quality of Life. Depression. Mental Health.
IJS-0620 Female Crime in the New Millennium: a review of literature between 2001 and 2021
Bruno Brandão Pereira Machado; Giselle Katerine Cristovão da Silva; Kelyane Maria de Souza; Maria Eduarda Camelo de Brito; Romilda Lopes de Souza; Pierre Teodosio Felix
Abstract: Crime has been an environment dominated - for the most part - by the male figure. The idea of a woman capable of committing crimes is something that shocks society, accustomed to seeing docility and kindness in the female figure. The concept of infirmita sexus (fragile sex, in Latin) puts the woman in a position of inferiority in relation to the man and makes justice more lenient with them. With a growing number of women in crime, there is a need for an honest debate about their real participation in this environment. This article aims to carry out bibliographic research, based on scholars who have relevant knowledge on the subject, as well as linked files in digital media. And the intention is to analyze the subject in a qualitative and theoretical way in order to break the prejudice and the almost mystical vision of the docile and peaceful woman.
Keywords: Women. Crime. Women in crime. Criminal Women.
IJS-0621 Child sexual abuse and its consequences on mental health: a review of the literature
Camilla Patrícia de Souza; Ellen Lívia de Souza; Larissa Emanuelle Correia Silva; Layonara Souza da Silva; Silvia Daiane de Santana Lira; Pierre Teodosio Felix
Abstract: Notifications of cases of sexual violence against children and adolescents are common throughout Brazil and these notifications are always accompanied by high degrees of neglect and physical and psychological violence. The consequences of this violence indicated in the literature are numerous, the most common being for both sexes: anxiety, anger, dissociation, interpersonal problems, in addition to psychopathologies such as alcohol and substance abuse, depression, eating disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder and borderline p ersonality disorder. The social protection of these children is the most effective modality and care of protection, since it aims at the restructuring of the family group and the elaboration of new moral and affective references. Victims of sexual violence should have their rights guaranteed and the best treatment of the health system, since they may present psychopathological conditions or require psychosocial follow-up and/or psychotherapeutic treatment whenever necessary. In this context, in the present study, data was collected from bibliographic surveys of numerous national and international authors in several databases.
Keywords: Child Sexual Abuse. Personality Formation. PTSD. ASI.
IJS-0622 The importance of pharmaceutical surveillance in forensic toxicology in the field of public health
Ailton Barbosa da Silva Filho; Ana Maria de Aguiar Interaminense Guerra; Cláudio Junyo dos Santos; Ivone Maria da Silva Costa; Janeide Arruda de Andrade; Jéssica Lins de Arruda; João Alysson dos Santos; Luana Carla dos Santos; Luana Taciana Alves Barbosa Ramos; Lucivalda Maria Florêncio; Marleide Domingos Pereira Santana; Tamyres Henya Barroso de Arruda; Veraluce Melo Costa
Abstract: Forensic Toxicology is a science of extreme importance, because through it is possible to detect toxicants harmful to the body, by which it encompasses the analyses of biological material that lead to the result of alterations and damage caused and even the cause of death of the individual, which can happen by various factors, such as poisoning, drug abuse and suicides, where a number of professionals are involved who are able to investigate and realize all the necessary requirements to reach a conclusion. Even with specialists in this area, strict quality control is required in forensic analysis laboratories that perform all processes to obtain a correct and satisfactory result. The present work aims to discuss the theme of forensic toxicology and public health as an essential instrument for the identification of harmful substances to organisms, since, often, the inappropriate use of certain chemical reagents can cause irreparable damage; presenting itself, therefore, as a theme of high relevance to public health and society in general. In this sense, the role of the expert presents itself as "sinequa non” for elucidating crimes and offenses in cases of poisoning; drug overdose; alterations of substances, where through analysis and collection of biological material, this professional will raise concrete subsidies in order to obtain conclusive evidence, corroborated in his technical report. In this area of knowledge, professionals from various backgrounds work and are therefore understood as multidisciplinary, for example: occupational toxicology, environmental toxicology, food toxicology, drug toxicology, social toxicology, etc. In this sense, toxicology through its scientific techniques comes to add efforts with criminal expertise and public health itself in its macro sense.
Keywords: Forensic Toxicology. Drugs. Research. Intoxication.
IJS-0623 Social networks, appearance and self-esteem: a literature review from 2002 to 2021
Heloísa Monteiro da Silva; Jamilly Roberta Lima Vilarim; Josenalva Santos Freire da Silva Lorena; Maria Ednadya Alves da Silva; Marilândia de Santana Luna; Martha Adriana Santos de Brito; Nicolas Soares Alves da Silva; Simone Maria Gomez de Souza Araújo; Pierre Teodósio Felix
Abstract: With the popularization of social networks that focuses on the dissemination of images, much of society follows the "rule" that everything is likely to be seen, everything is photographable and everything generates content. This enhances our willingness to record everything we see and, especially, what we experience. Using social networking apps as a means of personal dissemination and work is a custom that has transformed society. People want to be accepted and, for this, select angles and moments of their own that show a reality that does not exist for the majority of the population and often not for themselves. They're fragments of "perfect lives." In order to follow the standards established by society, including that of the digital world, people practice a digital "self-distortion" of appearance and this occurs, fundamentally, to feel accepted, desired and loved. Cases are increasing that this "self-distortion" is being brought to real life, through plastic surgeries and facial harmonization’s so that they can see in the mirror what they see on the screens of smartphones. This fact is getting sick of people, who see themselves compared, often by themselves, with the perfect celebrities of social networks or even their own faces through filters. In this context, in this study, data were collected from bibliographic surveys of numerous national and international authors in several databases.
Keywords: Social Networks. Appearance. Self-esteem. Filters.
IJS-0624 Social networks and the impacts of misuse for mental health
Alecxandra Josefa dos Santos; Severino Emídio dos Santos; Mercione Vieira da Silva Souza; Tatiane Maria Santana Ferreira; Fábio Lucas Guedes de Souza; Elizabeth Maria Luís da Silva; Pierre Teodosio Felix
Abstract: This article is the result of bibliographical research on the negative impact of social networks in today's world, especially with regard to mental health. The consequences, described in several reliable sources are physical and mental disorders, being more common: Mood change, anxiety and social isolation. With regard to the most severe cases, depression, suicide attempt, total dependence and lack of contact with reality may occur. It is perceived that the attention of parents or guardians, in the identification of the first manifestations of mood changes, and especially when, if it is used by children and adolescents. In the case of young people and adults, stimulate dialogue, seek help with health professionals, and, to a certain extent, there will be a greater chance of success pointed out in the various national and international sources of research.
Keywords: Social networks. Physical and mental health. Internet.
IJS-0625 The importance of psychology in the COVID-19 pandemic
Alinne Luzia Timóteo Silva; Anna Paula Correia Barbosa da Silva; Bárbara Alice Oliveira da Silva; Bárbara Katyelly Damasceno Silva; Fabrícia Alexandrina Leonel Rodrigues Gomes; Fernanda Laís Gomes Araujo; Geane Camila da Silva; Mykael da Silva Lins; Kamyla Lays da Silva Tavares; Pierre Teodosio Felix
Abstract: The concern for the mental health of the population intensifies during a serious social crisis. The Coronavirus Disease 2019 pandemic (COVID-19) can be described as one of these crises, which has been characterized as one of the biggest international public health problems in recent decades, having hit virtually the entire planet. An event like this causes psychological and social disorders that affect the coping capacity of the whole society, at various levels of intensity and propagation. Recently, different international organizations have expressed their concern about the urgency of mental health care in the COVID-19 pandemic, and it is worth mentioning the Brazilian Ministry of Health, which also emphasized the relevance of this issue in the country.
Keywords: Well-being. COVID-19. Pandemic. Mental health.